Weightloss But Without Going to The Gym

Nov 28, 2018


Here's how Many people trying to lose weight think they need a gym membership to reach their goals. The only problem is that gym memberships can be expensive. Not only that, but some gyms lock customers into long-term contracts that are almost impossible to get out of if you feel the gym is no longer for you. The good news is that an expensive gym membership is not required to lose weight. In fact, losing weight

The Basics Of Weight Loss

Losing weight boils down to one important idea: burn more calories than you consume. According to the Mayo Clinic, one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. That’s how many calories you need to burn for every pound you want to lose. This also works in reverse. If you’re eating that many calories without doing anything to burn them off, then you’re going to start packing on the pounds again.

Alternatives To The Gym

Your local gym probably offers a lot of specialized equipment designed to tone different parts of the body. It also has different ways of getting a good cardio workout in, such as treadmills, stationary bikes, and stair climbers. Here’s the catch though; all that will cost you money every month. You can get all the cardio and strength training you need at home, without a gym membership. You don’t even need to buy expensive equipment to create your own gym at home, though that’s certainly an option.

If you have access to a pool and enjoy swimming, go for it. Swimming is a great cardio exercise that works the entire body, including core muscles. Check out your local park district to see how much a pool pass will cost, if you search on google  “affordable custom pools in San Diego” for an option close to where you live. Many apartment complexes also have a pool that residents can use free of charge.

Your cardio workout is probably the easiest since you can get all the running or walking exercise you need just by going around the block a few times. If you live in an area with bad weather or can’t get outside, you can even jog in place or create your own stair stepping exercise with a small stool. Jumping jacks or a jump rope also offer a great cardio workout. For the best results, mix up your workouts between low and high intensity.

How much cardio do you need to lose weight? The National Institute of Health says that people wanting to lose weight need between 30-45 minutes of cardio three to five days per week. It should be noted that this doesn’t have to be done all at once. You can even break up your sessions into ten-minute increments if it makes it more manageable.

Don’t Forget Strength Training

While a good cardio workout is important for weight loss, so is strength training. Many people forget this and just focus on running or other cardio exercises. Strength training is anything to build your muscles. Even if you don’t want to look like a bodybuilder, strength training is actually a great way to burn fat and increase lean muscle strength.

If dumbbells aren’t in your budget, you can use anything from canned food to jugs of water. The idea is to create resistance to help build and tone muscles. That’s it. Also, don’t forget about sit-ups and crunches to work your abs and core muscles.

Strength training can be done in a variety of ways. Pushups are the easiest way to work the arm and back muscles without needing any extra equipment. If you’re looking for something a little more sophisticated, then you can find dumbbell weights most sporting good stores that are very inexpensive. A couple of dumbbells of varying weights can provide you with endless ways to tone your muscles right at home.

Don’t Forget About Your Diet

Exercise alone won’t help you reach your weight loss goals. You also need to watch what you eat. Be sure to eat balanced meals, avoiding foods high in fat and calories. Instead of following the current fad diet, just use common sense. Increase your portions of fruits and vegetables and eat whole grains instead of refined grains. And lose the snacking at night. If you do want to snack, have an apple or other fruit.

As you can see, losing weight doesn’t require an expensive gym membership. You have everything you need right at home. A combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet will have you looking great in no time.

