My name is DeAnne and I am 37 years old, married, no children, female. I have many interests such as, singing, hiking, fishing, performing arts, (acting and singing), dancing, college, swimming and many, many others.
I have been fat all my life, but in the last 15 years of my life, I have been well below what is considered healthy. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1996 and from there, my weight went well above 300 pounds. I have been diagnosed with acute osteoarthritis, neuropathy, joint degeneration disease, and several other ailments that my weight have direct effect on.
I've never been a small person, but have always had some kind of physical health on my side. Now, well, my health is deteriorating. I am unable to walk any length at all. My mobility is nill and I don't walk at all without the assistance of my cane or my husband near by.
I don't go out in public without my husband and I don't go shopping in any store, without finding out first if they have electric mobility carts. If they do not, my husband will push me in my wheelchair, or we just don't go at all.
I haven't been out in public, alone, in over 4 years. I have become that dependent on my husband. I had to drop out of school, because of pain from walking and standing.
In short, I want my life back. I want to do things for me, whenever I choose to do them. I want to be able to shower and dress myself. I want to drive myself to the store and not worry if they have a mobility cart or not. I want to be able to have good health, being able to move around without being in pain or short of breath. I want to be free from the prison my weight has put me in.
I've been considering surgery for over 5 years, always hesitating because I think I can diet myself down to a decent weight. Well, either I am a big failure at dieting or dieting has sincerely failed me. I haven't decided which, maybe both.
So, here I am. I have two-pokers in the fire right now, trying to find a surgeon. We have UK PPO HIGH, which is supported by Humana as my understanding.
If anyone is familiar with this, it would help me tremendously to have a mentor through this process.
Thank you for reading and I appreciate you taking the time to learn about me...DeAnne.