Karen O.
Hi, My name is Karen. I'm 44 years old and had gastric bypass surgery laproscopically with Dr. Toder on June 23rd 2008. So far, I have lost 95 pounds. 17 pounds during the 2 week period prior to surgery. I have been obese since I was a child. I have tried all the diets, WW, Nutrisystem, Atkins, blah, blah, blah. I had probably lost over 300 pounds in my lifetime, only to gain back more each time. At 42 years old I was diagnosed with type two diabetes. That is what finally prompted me to look into weight loss surgery. I started the process thinking I was going to have lap band surgery but after talking to my surgeon, realized that with a BMI of 49 and a history of knee and back problems, that probably gastric bypass was a better plan for me. I was not afraid to have the surgery...I was more afraid of losing my eyesight or feet to diabetes. I'm a photographer and the thought of going blind put the fear of God in me.
I have given up a big part of my life to obesity. I have never been married, never had children and have not been in a relationship for over 7 years. I haven't ridden a bicycle or been swimming in over 15 years. I would avoid restaurants with booths for fear I wouldn't fit into a booth. I didn't travel because of the small airplane seats. I didn't go to dances for fear someone would feel sorry for me and ask me to dance.
I now want to do everything..I am looking forward to kayaking for the first time this summer. I want to hike at Baxter state park, go to an amusement park, go skiing, etc., etc.
My mother was unsure about me having the surgery. She was afraid I would have complications but even more afraid that my old habits would come back and that I would not follow the plan. She is now very proud of me and delighted that I had the surgery. I will not let her down, I am determined to reach my goal and keep it off.
My biggest problem right now is all the loose skin around my abodomen and thighs. I don't think I ever want to take my clothes off in front of anyone, including my doctor. I will definately be happy when I reach my goal and I can look into plastic surgery to complete my journey.
My main reason for having surgery is for health reasons but I must admit looking younger and slimmer is very nice too. I recieve compliments almost every day and have learned to accept them graciously.
If I had it to do all over again, I would. I am so much happier now. Please feel free to contact me via email [email protected]