Pat M.
1 year Annivesary date August 13th 2009
Jul 05, 2009
My anniversary is coming up this August. I have not yet come to my goal of 115 as of July 6Th I weigh 130 pounds.I really dont care if i make it because I feel great at this point. My health and well being is good and that's what matters the most to me.
I have noticed that people look at us different when were thin than when were fat... That is too bad because we are still the same person only our body has changed....
I hope I never ever go back to being overweight, because I now LOVE the way I feel and look... I only wish I had the surgery when I was younger....
I used to wish I could live to be 75 years old...
Now I want to live to be 115 years old...."You know what now that the weight is off, I truly beleive I can."
About Me
Lewiston, ME
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2008
Member Since