That elusive one pound

Sep 02, 2009

 Here I am at 300....cannot for the life of me get to 299. What is it about that one last pound that will put you under the major milestone? I hit the 50 mark with no problem but this one seems to be there and so close yet just can't get there. My goal this week is to concentrate on really eating nothing that would stop it from happening. I want to be down 100 pounds by Christmas and getting under 300 will really be a big break through for me I believe. I love my band, I love the attention and support I am getting. Its funny, I go to headquarters maybe 3 times a month and each time I see different people. Its a huge ego trip because people are noticing and telling me what a great job I am doing. I wish I could take all the credit. Losing is the easiest thing with this band. I am so grateful and so looking forward to hitting each goal. Eating sometimes is a hassle I will admit. And sometimes I don't do such a great job on my choices. But I am learning. I find that I have cravings like never before. I am not sure if I had them and always just indulged them or if I never let myself get hungry enough to have them. I am going through what I call my "casserole phase". For some reason I cannot get enuf of shepherds pie, and tuna noodle casserole. But I also feel a soup phase coming on with the onset of fall. I look forward to having some rich homemade chicken soup and good old fashioned chili. I can't eat a lot, but I am totally satisfied with what I eat. I do get upset when I order something at a restaurant and I pay for it and then cannot eat it because it is either too dry or just not appetizing. Two weeks ago I went to Dave and Busters with the work crowd. Lots of great company and I thought a chicken breast with a little salad would be good. NOT! I ended up sliming and eventualy just had to go up end it all in the bathroom. I hate that. But learning is what this is all about. I know never to do that again. New restaurants are difficult because you don't know what will work and what won't. A chicken breast at a different restaurant, and maybe even on a different day could have produced completely different results. Either way... I am changing on the inside and out!!! WOO HOO!!!


About Me
Arlington, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 20, 2006
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