Confessions of a Serial Yo-Yo'er
Mar 12, 2016
I've been a serial yo-yo dieter since I was 19; I'm now 46. I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember but it intensified when I became a young adult.
As a young girl, I went through a "pudgy" phase but wasn't overly large. As a teenager, I thought I was overweight but that was probably due to the fact that my best friends were all just extremely slim. While they were size 0 to 3, I was a size 7 to 9. I probably weighed about 125 to 130 lbs at 5' 4" ... that's less than my goal weight now!
When it came to losing weight, I was always looking for the quick fix; I've gained and lost and gained and lost more weight than I think I could ever count. My weight continued to creep up after the birth of my two children (who are now young adults themselves). Part of my issue was pure laziness, part of my issue was being a single full-time mom also working a full-time job. It was just easier to reach for the processed foods after an exhausting day at work in order to feed the kids, still have time to spend together and to relax with some me-time. Once caught in that trap though, I never really got out of it.
I think I've tried every diet under the sun from A to Z, I kid you not - Atkins to the Zone. Add in Weight Watchers, Fit for Life, Eat Right for Your Type, Biggest Loser, Suger Busters, South Beach, Nutri-System, Herbal Magic, Cabbage Soup Diet, Grapefruit Diet, Low Glycemic, Diabetic Diet, Paleo, Stop Light Diet (Red, Orange/Yellow & Green foods), Somercise, Richard Simmons, Dr Phil, Jorge Cruise, Vegan, Mediterranian, Body for Life, TOPS, DASH, Isagenix, Slimfast, Dr Weil, Dr Oz, Okinawa, Sonoma, HCG drops, too many pills to remember, low fat, low calorie, low carb, low sugar, low sodium and on and on and on ... So you see, my metabolism is completely hooped :(
In the last few years, I've been diagnosed with Osteo-Arthritis, possible Inflammatary Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I want desperately to be healthy again.
I live on Vancouver Island in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I've been waiting for eons it seems since my referral originally went in to the Bariatric Surgeon in the spring of 2013. I finally saw him in December of 2014; he was 4 hours behind schedule and when I finally made it in we talked for about 3 minutes and he approved me for surgery, lol. I drove 3.5 hours to get to that appointment too. The bariatric program then went through a restructure so it was like going back to square one.
I was scheduled for the new, mandatory orientation with the hospital nutrionist in June 2015. In October 2015 I met up with the internist and nutritionist again. I've been using MyFitnessPal to log my diary and brought a printout to my appointment. The internist put me on the approved list (the old doctor's list wasn't valid anymore). I also started taking Saxenda on her recommendation. We met again in January 2016 to go over my diary and commitment and the last 3 months. At that appointment they asked if I was interested in a different surgeon as the other bariatric surgeon's list is so large. Since I only met him for 3 minutes, I said sure.
I have my next appointment with the nutritionist and internist in April 2016. I also just got a call from another bariatric surgeon's office so I'm booked to meet her a couple of days after.
I'm now just waiting for my local hospital lab to call me for an upper GI exam (yucky!) All my other tests have been done. I feel like I'm almost there I * crosses fingers *
I'm really hoping things go well meeting this new surgeon and that it means I'm closer. I'm getting married in June 2016 and had hoped to have had it already but alas ... I'm still waiting patiently.