New House on the Horizon

Apr 21, 2009

I am so excited and nervous.  I have talked about buying a house and was going to do it last year, but couldn't afford much.  I finally got tired of dealing with all of the nonsense going on at my apartment complex. 

I went house hunting in March and found the house I wanted after seeing 5 homes.  I am now waiting for the bank to accept my offer.  My real estate agent has cautioned me that buying a house in a short sale is a lengthy process.  Well, he wasn't kidding.  The bank has all of my information and they still haven't decided to accept my offer.  I was supposed to close on May 15th, but now it's going to be the end of June, so I will have to go month to month. 

Thursday, I get to tell the landlord that I will not be renewing and will go month to month.  I wish I could hear something by Thursday, but I'm sure I won't hear anything anytime soon.  Banks these days are slow to act and this one is no different.

I will update as soon as I hear something.


About Me
Peoria, AZ
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2004
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Psoriatic Arthritis bites meds cause headaches
I'm Still in Pain but getting better
I now know why I feel so old
Yep, I'm an Idiot
New job and New Size
Doing Great!
What's New and Notable
