Hi I am Kim and I am fat!!!!
But not for LONGGGGGGGG =)
All my life I have battled obesity, with ups and downs of
weight loss. As a teenager I developed Endometriosis and
suffered for years with the excrutiation painful condition.
I was told I would never have children but miracuously I
got pregnant with my first son with no trouble. I gained
50 pounds with him and never was able to get it off
afterwards. My second son did not come so easy as the first.
My husband and I tried and tried with no luck to get pregnant,
so my doctor sent me to a fertility specialist who then put me
on fertility pills and diabetic medication for the endometriosis.
I got regnant in a matter of a month. I gained 30 pounds
with him. Health problem after health problem followed after
my births. I had polycystic ovarian disease so bad they had to
give me a total hysterectomy , then i developed fibromyalgia,
and suffer with chronic pain everyday that limits me to a very
unfullfilling life. I have now made the decission to get healthy
and beat this. I will be going for the gastric bypass surgery
hopfully in the near future.