Eating slower
Aug 30, 2016
I am on to the goal of eating slower. god it is hard. i have spent a lifetime eating fast. it started with the leftovers. i was a skinny kid with a huge appitite as i grew up. my father is a big man and he loved his leftovers. so my mom (very nuclear family) would make extra food. but if dad finished eating first he would eat all of it. he wasnt selfish just hungry. and thoughtless. so my sister and i grew to know that if you ever watned seconds you had to finish fast. that was the start of it. it is unfortunate but it set in motion a life long pattern of speed eating. my partner has told me to slow down for years. but i didn't listen now i am going to have to force myself to eat slowly. I made it through a fish and chips meal (probably my last one. not somehting i eat often so i won't likely have it in the next few months and then after it will most assuredly be too greasy) in 17 minutes. tiny bites and focus. mindfullnes. i learned mindfullness when i was doing cbt cognitive behavioural therapy for my borderline personality disorder. i have a good year of actual mindfullness training under my belt and a good 10 years of using it in fits and starts.
SO slower eating. small bites. mindfullness. it is hard. i dont know if its wanting to taste it all or weather it is eating it hot. i just know that i feel like i have to gobble my food. i eat faster than anyone i know. i am finished my food by the time my parnter has gotten hers. it is rediculous. i can' go on like this. litteraly. i am having my surgery (if all goes well) by December. last year may have been my inadvertent last christmas dinner. oh well i can still eat right just smaller portions. and perhaps none of my mom famous stuffing as it is awesome porky sausagy goodness. but it is also quite fatty. so i may have to leave that family tradition in the dust.
Small bites. i am going to try to make my lunch sandwich last for at least 10 minutes. hopefully 12. I dont know if i can do it but i will keep you posted
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