I am a fun-loving person...I love to laugh and just trip out. I have my serious "business" side too (smile). I love my Savior Jesus Christ and strive to stay in his will and walk in the call he has for my life.....which starts with a healthy temple for him to use.

I am a wife (I love the fact that we are friends first, we can trip out together and not be so deep all the time), a daughter (my mom is great and I really miss my Dad), a sister ( estranged most of the time - But God is faithful, he will restore what the canker worm...)and mother of 3 (those are my babies ya'll!! - 17, 13 & 7 - Ya'll know they have me runnin'!!).

Well, I have struggled with my weight since '94...before then I was 5'4, 130lbs and could eat anything without gaining weight in any of the "wrong" places....fast forward 14 years and I can't smell food without gaining weight!!!

I have lost and gained, lost and gained, and lost and gained again.
I am the poster child for emotional eating and yo-yo dieting.

This year I will be 36 years old and I have made a mental vow to myself, my husband & children to live healthier, longer, fuller, happier, more spontaneous and to appreciate this gift our creator has given us.....LIFE!

Anyway, I'm on the right track now and I welcome the support of my new OH family.
