I can't stop this feeling, deep inside of me...

May 19, 2009

Can someone PLEASE tell me what thehell my problem is.  I can NOT stop crying. I'm crying over nothing, something and everything in between.  I cried because I dropped the remote control.  I cried because a sock fell from the dryer onto the floor. I cried when my neighbor asked me how I was doing. I cried when my therapist opened her door to welcome me back.  I cried when a strange woman offered to lead me to a place I didn't quite know the directs too.  I cried when a stranger held a door open for me.  I cried and cried and cried to the point of having to sit on the floor struggling for breath directly after someone said, "You have great hair."  What the hell is wrong with me?  Physically, I now feel fine. Absolutely, perfetly fine.  Emotionally, I should be locked away for a very, very long time. 

This is normal. This is all normal! My new mantra... This is normal. This is all normal.  But guess what, surely doesn't feel normal.  Feels like I'm a complete loon and the world should be very afraid.  Someone I know today said she'd pray for my sanity.  My response... "I'm certain everyone I ,have already or must shortly, come into contact with with surely appreciate those prayer. Better get started.....FAST!"


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Surgery Date
Apr 30, 2009
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