One Year Today

Jun 08, 2010

It has been one year today since my surgery. I feel great and have no regrets. I am a total of 151 lbs down from where I started, 126 lbs from the day of surgery. Im still losing little by little but not sure how much more I want to lose. Feeling pretty comfortable where I am today.

Off track, on track, finally... a date!!

May 29, 2009

I had a bit of a set back. First in January, I was not at weight so my Dr. told me I have to keep trying and come back. That was a bit devastating, but I understood why. In February, my wonderful husband was dismissed from his job after 17 years of loyal service. This put our insurance into limbo, to cobra or not to cobra. The cost is just so much. At that point I kind of just figured I would drop the whole idea and follow up later and see if timing gets better. Several weeks later, the stimulus package allowed you to pick up cobra at 35%. Nice!! We grabbed at that point. So I decided to jump back on board.

The pre op weight loss has been the hardest but I did it. As of yesterday, I met my weight. Very exciting.

Also, I was given a date. I will be starting the next phase of my journey on June 8th.


Dec 05, 2008

Found out today I am approved. Scheduled for Jan. 6th 09. I cant wait for the jurney to begin.


Nov 11, 2008

Completed all psych stuff. He said I was a good candidate for WLS, now I just wait until he sends the report to the clinic and until they call me to make my next appt.


Oct 28, 2008

Had my first psych appt and took the MMPI. Need to go back in again in 2 weeks for the final appt and to go over MMPI results.

I am well on my way to getting closer.


Oct 21, 2008

Had my dietitian appt today. Things went well. I have to really hit her hard now with the WL. I need to drop 18 lbs before surgery. I can do it.


Oct 09, 2008

I went to my first appt. today. Had to make that big step onto the scale.

299.5-thank god I'm not at 300. I have never and will never see that #.

All in all it was a good appt. We went over my plan. I need to have some labs done which is scheduled for next week. I need to have my annual girly visit taken care since I am not quite up to date. That appt is 10/20. I see the Dietitian on 10/21. And then I see the Psychologist  on 10/27 for my first appt and MMPI.

Things are moving pretty quickly. As far as I have been told by my ins. I do not need the structured WL program prior to surgery. I'm hoping I do not have trouble with my ins.

About Me
Champlin, MN
Surgery Date
Aug 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 7
