missysmith 18 years, 10 months ago

Ann- Boy, do I know about the tricky insurance programs. I too am disabled, and the first thing that you need to do is find out which of your policies is primary. Call Medicare directly and ask (or ask your other provider). I would guess that your other insurance is primary since your doctor wrote to them originally. When you find that out, I would be on the telephone to which ever is primary and bug them to death. I am not advocating being rude, but rather just be persistant! Do not hang up until they explain what information they need to make a decision in your favor. Be sure to take notes as you and they talk. Then, communicate what is missing to your doctor and make sure that he writes that up and amends his original document. You may telephone your local SSDI representative and get them to advocate for you. You need to take the bull by the horns-if you want this, then fight for it!!!!! Make sure to let me know about the results. Good luck, you are taking on a very powerful opponent that needs to know how the surgery will be to their benefit. Thanks. sue smith
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Prescott Valley, AZ
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