My HW was about 371, SW was in the 360's, lowest weight was 194, CW is 247.8.

In 2005 I weighed 194lbs... while I was at my surgeons appt. He asked me what my goal weight was... I told him 140lbs... he yelled at me " that's too much, I want you at 180lbs".   That's the last time I saw him and that was the last pound I lost. (Absolutely all my fault not his)... my sister had wls in the 80's she died from the infection about 2 weeks later...she was 38... This was a very hard surgery for me to have.  It was very hard for me to tell my mother that I was going to do it....but by 2004 I weighed so much, my knees were so painful and everything was so hard to do that I was willing to try with surgery...but it was a very scary decision for me.... 

Now = I've haunted obesity help since 2007...Absolutely hold on to all your successes, thoughts and trials...laugh with you, cry with you and have had many smiles because of all of you...wished so hard that I could get your willpower, or your drive, determination, or? And somehow I've "caught" it-!!! Starting April 24th (at my surgeons to have both knees replaced soon) I decided that I would lose my regain and go down to a goal of that's what I'm doing...I follow your rny menu thread...I'm eating between 500-800 calories a day.. so I finally put this thing in and hopefully will post on the menu thread.

About Me
Aug 16, 2007
Member Since
