Still the same weight

Nov 05, 2007

I'm still the same since the last post.  I am eating terribly though.  I know this.  I have to get it under control.  I have to get this weight OFF!  

I feel as though I am losing inches.  At the beginning of the school year I bought a shirt with my elementary school on it.  I bought it small and it would not button up so I had to wear an under shirt with it.  I knew I would be getting into it soon.  Well I had not put it on for a couple of weeks (it would not button still then) and today it buttoned and looked good!  So that was encouraging.

I know I will get off this plateu thing or whatever it is.  It is just frustrating.  I am going to start doing tae boe and I'm waiting for it to come in the mail.  I walked some today and that made me feel better.

6 month news!!

Oct 21, 2007

Well I finally had my 6 months check up with the dr.  I weighed in at 226 lbs for  a total loss of 85 lbs!  The dr. said I was right on track but I do not feel like it.  I feel disappointed in my exercising and my eating habits.  I have done better in the past week with eating and just can't get motivated to exercising.  Maybe the wedding will be motivation!!!  I need to get into a nice sized wedding dress!!!!!  Adam proposed last week and I am so excited.  Our date is set for July 12 so I have 9 months to get the rest of this weight off!!!

Here are my measurements:

Neck:  13.5"  ~~~  -2    goal: 12           
L arm: 15.5" ~~~ -3.5               11
R arm: 14.5"~~~ -4.5                   11
L wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                   6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 45"~~~ -11.5                       40
Under Bust:  39"~~~ -9          29-31
Waist: 39.5"~~~  -13                    28
hips:  47"~~~ - 12                      36
L thighs: 23"~~~ -8              17
R thigh: 23"~~~ -8.5                    17
L calf: 15.5" ~~~ -3                       13
R calf: 16"~~~ -2.5                        13
L ankle: 9" ~~~ -1                       8
Rankle: 9":~~~-1                         8

81.5 inches gone forever!!!!  I still have a ways to go but I AM going to get there!!!  I will not let myself down.

Beyond Frustrated

Sep 20, 2007

I am BEYOND frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am hardly losing ANYTHING!!!  I am so upset and I can eat almost anything and I feel like I am just slipping back into old habits.  GRRRRRRR!!!!!  I want to cry.

My current weight is 231.  I have lost less than 8 lbs in one month.  That is AWFUL.  I feel like I did this all for NOTHING.  I hate myself for it.  Here is my inches:

Neck:  13.5"  ~~~  -2    goal: 12           
L arm: 15.5" ~~~ -3.5               11
R arm: 15"~~~ -4                   11
L wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                   6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 45"~~~ -11.5                       40
Under Bust:  39.5"~~~ -8.5            29-31
Waist: 40.5"~~~  -12                    28
hips:  47.5"~~~ - 11.5                      36
L thighs: 23"~~~ -8              17
R thigh: 23"~~~ -8.5                    17
L calf: 15.5" ~~~ -3                       13
R calf: 16"~~~ -2.5                        13
L ankle: 9" ~~~ -1                       8
Rankle: 9":~~~-1                         8

Total inches lost: 79.  I want to cry.  I have done this all for nothing.  I know I have lost some but I could have lost 80 lbs in six months without having surgery.  I feel like I am done and will not lose much more.  Sorry for the lowsy post but that is how I am feeling.


The scale is moving again!

Aug 16, 2007

Well hooray!!  The scale is moving once again!  I don't have much time to update but its been a ride let me tell you!  I'm sitting at about 237.8 right now and was 236.4 before I started my period.  hopefully that will be over soon and I will see more pounds drop! 

Here are my new measurements.

Neck:  13.5"  ~~~  -2    goal: 12           
L arm: 16." ~~~ -3               11
R arm: 15.5~~~ -3.5               11
L wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                   6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 46"~~~ -10.5                       40
Under Bust:  39.5"~~~ -8.5            29-31
Waist: 40.5"~~~  -12                    28
hips:  48"~~~ - 11                      36
L thighs: 23"~~~ -8              17
R thigh: 23"~~~ -8.5                    17
L calf: 15.5" ~~~ -3                       13
R calf: 16"~~~ -2.5                        13
L ankle: 9" ~~~ -1                       8
Rankle: 9":~~~-1                         8

Total inches lost: 76.5!!!!!!  Woohoo!!! Its coming off.   Malachi comes home next week.  I start teaching kindergarten in a week and a half and Adam and I have a wedding date set for July 12.  Life is good and God is awesome!!!!


Jul 23, 2007

Sometime I think I am done losing weight.  I am so frustrated and wish it could come off faster.  I am down to 243.6. Only 3 lbs in ten days.  I am so depressed about it.  I'm going to try to do some measuring to see if those have improved...will see...i know i'm obsessed but I really am sad about missing goal two months in a row...i feel like I am missing my window of opportunity to lose.  

Here goes...

Neck:  13.5"  ~~~  -2    goal: 12           
L arm: 16." ~~~ -3               11
R arm: 15.5~~~ -3.5               11
L wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                   6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 48"~~~ -8.5                       40
Under Bust:  40"~~~ -8            29-31
Waist: 41"~~~  -11.5                    28
hips:  48.5"~~~ - 10.5                 36
L thighs: 24.5"~~~ -6.5              17
R thigh: 24"~~~ -7.5                    17
L calf: 16" ~~~ -2.5                       13
R calf: 16.5"~~~ -2                        13
L ankle: 9" ~~~ -1                       8
Rankle: 9":~~~-1                         8

Total inches lost:  69.5!!  Total lbs lost 67.4.  Grr...i need to change something.


Almost four months

Jul 13, 2007

Hello everyone!  Well I am down to comes of so slowly!!  I am definitly a slow loser.  BUT the good news is I'm starting to exercise so its gonna melt away!! :)  I'm trying to get some new pics up!  I have to get a new cord for my camera cause it has been messed up since we moved to texas. I'm gonna get one today. :)  Here is my updated measurements!  Hope everyone is doing well.  OH i forgot....I am officially a TEACHER!!!  wooohoo!!!!  I accepted a Kindergarten position at my son's school and I'm SO excited!!!   I miss Malachi HORRIBLY and haven't been able to talk to him all week because he's been camping with his dad.   Okay well I better get off here. I need to go shoppin.

Neck:  14"  ~~~  -1.5    goal: 12           
L arm: 16" ~~~ -3               11
R arm: 16~~~ -3                        11
L wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                   6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 48"~~~ -8.5                       40
Under Bust:  41"~~~ -7            29-31
Waist: 41"~~~  -11.5                    28
hips:  50"~~~ - 9                       36
L thighs: 24.5"~~~ -6.5              17
R thigh: 24"~~~ -7.5                    17
L calf: 16" ~~~ -2.5                       13
R calf: 16.5"~~~ -2                        13
L ankle: 9" ~~~ -1                       8
Rankle: 9":~~~-1                         8

Total inches lost 66 inches!!!  

with a smile,


3 and a half months

Jul 07, 2007

Hi all!!!!!!!!!!

I have been going to work and class and sleeping for the past two weeks and that is IT!!!  I have not weighed in a few days but my last weigh in I was 247.6 lbs for a total loss of 63.4 lbs!!!!  It is coming off slowly but surely and I am starting to tell a big difference when I look in the mirror.  The other day when I went to my niece's house I walked in the door and her daughter said "wow you are small!"  that felt good! Adam is coming in three weeks and I can't wait!!  I have been sending him pictures all along but he hasn't seen me since before surgery.  I'm so excited!!!!  I love him and miss him.  I am really missing Malachi and cry every day because I just wish that he was here with me. 

I am interviewing for teaching positions and hope to have one by the end of July!!!  It will most likely be with the school that Malachi teaches at as a kindergarten or second grade teacher. 

I am really frustrated with my weight loss because I feel like it should be faster and I'm still not exercising.  AHHH!!!  I just need to get on the stick cause my window of opportunity is slowly going away!

Well I hope all is well with everyone!!  Happy losing.

Rita :)

Addicted to measuring!!

Jun 20, 2007

Okay so I'm addicted to measuring!  The scales are not moving like I would like them to and I have to make something pick me up!  Okay so below is a total loss of 59.5 inches.  I feel really bloated today too.  Maybe I will measure when this goes away.  In fact I've felt bloated all week and it is not the time of the month to feel this way.  Maybe I am eating to much sodium?  I will watch that over the next few days and see if this feeling goes away.  I usually do not watch my sodium intake closely because I don't put salt on everything and don't really like things salted too much.  But maybe I am taking in more than I think.  We shall see! :)  Gotta run to work!

Rita :)

Neck:  14"  ~~~  -1.5      goal: 12           
L arm: 16.5 ~~~ -2.5                11
R arm: 16~~~ -3                        11
L wrist:  7"~~~ -.5                       6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 48"~~~ -8.5                       40
Under Bust:  42"~~~ -6             29-31
Waist: 43"~~~  -9.5                    28
hips:  51"~~~ - 8                         36
L thighs: 24.5"~~~ -6.5              17
R thigh: 24"~~~ -7.5                    17
L calf: 16.5" ~~~ -2                       13
R calf: 16.5"~~~ -2                        13
L ankle: 9.5" ~~~ -.5                       8
Rankle: 9.5:~~~-.5                          8

Just a few more days till my three month!

Jun 18, 2007

I know I just gave an update but I wanted to write about some things I struggle with.  Maybe getting it down will help me struggle less.  I am really having problems mentally not being able to eat what I used to eat.  Food really was my friend and suddenly the loss is very draining and causing some major depression.  It sounds so stupid.  I'm feeling better physcially.  I also am not exercising and I think its a way to sabotage myself and this journey and it angers me greatly.  

I am going to miss my son this summer but, in a way I am looking at this as a chance to regain the life that I have seem to lose in the past few years.  I want to get back on track and makes some positive changes.  I need to stop looking at life so negatively.  I am generally a positive person, but it seems that over the past year I have grown cynical and pessimistic.  I don't want to be like that and it is time to change!  

I got on the scale this morning and weighed 254.6.  That is a total loss of 56.4 lbs!!  Only 2.6 lbs to go to make it to my next 10% goal and 3.6  to make it to my three month goal.  I got some more protein drink yesterday cause I had been out so we will see if that helps!  I really want to be at a 60lbs loss by sat. the 23rd!

The 21st is my boyfriends birthday and our 1 year anniversary.  I got him a shirt, some socks from where I work, and some golf tees.  I miss him so much and really want him to come for a visit.  We are both so strapped for cash that it is hard right now.  He is supposed to be coming in the middle of July and I think that will help my mood a little ;)!!   Plus I will have lost more weight by then and wow him!

I guess that is another thing I feel frustrated about: how I look.  I feel flabby all over.  I'm sure that is due to the rapid loss and the fact that I am not exercising but that is mentally challenging as well.  I know all these things will improve and am looking forward to that but right now it is hard to deal!

sorry for the downer post but I had to get some things out on the table.


Just checkin in.

Jun 15, 2007

Hello everyone!!  Time for a measure cause the scales are stuck!!!  Not really since my last post but over the last week as I have been PMSing..grr! :)  My weigh in today (12 weeks and one day post op) is 256.8 lbs for  a total loss of 54.2 lbs!  I am hoping to lose 60 lbs by my offical three month which is June 23..a week from today.  That means I have 5.8 lbs to lose in the next week.  EEK!!!  We shall see!  Ironically I have also lost 55 inches!!  I have added my approximate goal inches to the bottom! I don't know if I will look funny like this but I measure people all day at work and i have an idea of how big I would like to be!

My son left for michigan yesteray and I am SOOOO sad.  We had a BEAUTFIFUL day together on Thursday.  I had the day off and we went to six flags over texas.  We had the BEST time and I am sure created some very happy memories.  I felt squished into some of the rides so I will be excited for next year when I don't feel like that! :)

Okay must get to work!


Neck:  14"  ~~~  -1.5      goal: 12           
L arm: 17 ~~~ -2                       11
R arm: 16~~~ -3                        11
L wrist:  7"~~~ -.5                       6
R wrist:  6.5"~~~ -1                    6
Bust: 50"~~~ -6.5                       40
Under Bust:  42"~~~ -6             29-31
Waist: 45"~~~  -7.5                    28
hips:  51"~~~ - 8                         36
L thighs: 24.5"~~~ -6.5              17
R thigh: 24"~~~ -7.5                    17
L calf: 16.5" ~~~ -2                       13
R calf: 16.5"~~~ -2                        13
L ankle: 9.5" ~~~ -.5                       8
Rankle: 9.5:~~~-.5                          8

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2006
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 28
Still the same weight
6 month news!!
Beyond Frustrated
The scale is moving again!
Almost four months
3 and a half months
Addicted to measuring!!
Just a few more days till my three month!
Just checkin in.
