Lisa S.
Whip it good!
Oct 29, 2009
Yep, and that is exactly what I am going to do! WHIP IT GOOD! I HAVE to do this for my health, family, friends and just plain do it to be healthy!Greg lost his job Sept 27, and we are without health insurance. Well, we called to get quotes on private insurance, and I cannot find anyone to cover me because of my height/weight combo! Well hot damn! I am gonna fight this! It pissed me off so bad, but on the reality side, it opened my eyes, that I am obese and a liability! I've got a long life ahead of me, and I'm gonna live it!
I am on day 2 of the plateau buster diet, and I will admit, last night without my carb addictions in front of me, I had the shakes, palpitations, and really edgy! I am addicted to carbs! Just like my parents were alcoholics, I am a carb-aholic, and damnit, It is NOT going to over take me! I have always been so scared of addition, so scared to go on the pain meds for my fibro, severe arthritis, my Raynaud's, but I had to, and If I can fight being addicted to those, and learn my triggers, I can learn my triggers for this too! HAH! put that in your pipe and smoke it, carbs! HAH! (flips the bird to the carbs) haha sorry, I am SO EXCITED!!!
One thing that is so annoying, is getting up in the middle of the night to pee, because I drank too much water, because the F-ing carbs bloated me, and I was trying to flush them! Well, Without the massive carbs yesterday, I was up most of the night, up and down, peeing like crazy! I am THIN this morning! and I can actually get my wedding ring off! I had it sized smaller this summer, when I was losing inches, and I was scared to lose my ring! But hot damn! It slides off now! woot!
i will add more later, but I am excited to get off my ass, and whoop these carbs, and show them who's boss! heh
About Me
Watertown, SD
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2008
Member Since