Well, there isn't much to my story yet. I am a wife of 4 years (almost) to the most wonderful man alive and the mother of one beautiful little girl who will be 2 this year. I have just recently decided that Gastric Bypass surgery is the best option for me in order to get healthy and stay that way for myself and my daughter.
I have battled weight on and off since my late teens. I have been small before. I got to a size 8/10 and 135 pounds, until my Senior year of high school. I got sick and had to take steroids for over a year, and that's when my serious weight problems began. I have gradually gained weight to the point of being morbidly obese. Wow, that's a hard label to put on yourself! It's amazing how 150+ pounds can sneak up on you. My grandmother is also obese and I swore to myself that I'd never get like her. She was unable to do so many things with me when I was young due to her weight, and she was not an old woman.
Anyway, somehow I have managed to gain over 100 pounds and I just cannot seem to get the weight off myself. It seems like such a HUGE obstacle and every time I start, I end up quitting because the challenge is just to much to bear. The most weight I have ever lost myself was 40 pounds and that was tough! It took every ounce of energy and determination I had to do that. I have gained every pound back, plus some and just do not have the willpower to start all over again. I need help and I think this is the answer. I have several friends and aquaintences who have undergone this surgery and I have contemplated it for years now.
Like I said, I have been researching this thoroughly for some time now, but only recently conceded to the fact that despite the risks, I owe it to myself and my family to get healthy in order to be the best mother, wife, and overall person I can be. I want to be around for a very long time, so losing the weight and changing my life is the first step.
Wish me luck in this journey I am officially beginning!