I have struggled with my weight since I was a little girl. Some of my strongest memories of childhood are sitting with the pediatrician while he shows me a weight chart "you should be here, but you're all the way up here." I've been through weight loss camps, weight watchers many times, jenny craig, nutrisystem, many nutritionists- you name it! I also sufffer from asthma, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and insulin resistance.
It's time to make a change! I feel like I've been in neutral for too long. I want to go forward with my life. I'm too young (22) to have so many things slowing me down. Life is short, ya know?
I have amazing family and friends and one incredible boyfriend who are helping me through this process. I feel so lucky to have such great support! But, I'm glad that I have OH for the support that they cannot provide. So thank you all for being my extended family through this exciting, yet scary new period in my life!
Surgery performed March 11, 2008--everything went smoothly and no complications so far!