5 months and 2 weeks post-op. Batteries out of scale!

Nov 17, 2008

Need to get new batteries for my scale, i have no idea how much i weigh! I've lost though, because my new smaller size pants are now too big already. WOOHOO!!! But now i seriously need pants...and i have no money for them. Yeeks.

4 months and 3 or 4 weeks post-op (nearly 5 months)

Oct 26, 2008

Haven't lost any weight in a week and a half. I'm really stuck right now. Maybe it's from gaining muscle, or maybe i'm really just not losing fat now. Who knows. Maybe it's from partying too much lately? haha
Also stress...i've been stressed and depressed. But not over my weight, for once! =P

But anyway, my current weight is 206.8!! Coming close to being under 200. Can't wait! =)

Uhh...but yea, i have a new hospital where i recieve better and proper aftercare. I'm waiting on a call from them. Think i'll shoot them an email tomorrow, since it's been a while and i haven't heard anything.

I bought some new clothes and boy am i excited! :] I'll have pictures made ASAP!

The gym is going well, but i am bored of it...wish it were more exciting, like it used to be. My skin is sagging here and there...poo :( My arms especially. I'm upset about them more than i let on...but ya know, i'm trying to stay focused on the positives!

Going to be finding a job soon so that i can pay for my motorcycle license. A dream of mine since i was 15! Would love to have a traditional bike...of course a Harley would be extreme and rad ass! But yea...i'll settle for something less expensive, but still cool. Maybe a Honda or something...i've heard some good stuff about them.

My surgeon? Not anymore

Oct 13, 2008

So yesterday i had my long-awaited check-up with my surgeon (my ACTUAL surgeon--which has never happened before until now). If you keep up with my blogs, you know how excited i was about this appointment. I was looking forward to it and really interested in maybe learning something about myself (vitamin levels, for instance, or about the pain i always get on the left side of my belly). But boy was i in for a terrible surprise.
My surgeon personally attacked me. I started off by answering his questions of how i'm doing, and telling him how grateful I am now for the operation. I told him my current weight and he said I'm doing very well.
Then he saw that i had a paper with myabe 7 or 8 questions on it, and so he asked me to begin. I started by saying, "Well, i believe it's time to check my vitamin levels isn't it?" I've never had them checked and I am 4 and a half months post-op, so i figured (based on what the other surgeon said and based on everything i have read) that it would automatically be time to check my levels. But my surgeon paused for a moment and then began to tell me that they could check my levels, but normally he wouldn't check his patient's vitamin levels until 1 year post-op. So i was honest with him and I told him that i have been very forgetful on several occasions and i haven't taken my vitamins regularly. He later used this statement against me in a ridiculous way--which i will get to.
So he said, sure they could check my levels. Then i went on to my next question, which was acking if it was ok to take my vitamins in pill-form (is that such a strange question??), and he seemed to get angry and said things like, "Yes, you can take it any way you want, i don't care. You can also take it in liquid form, just get dissolvable vitamins. That's the easiest way," and i told him that i didn't even realize that existed in a common drugstore, and he was like 'yes yes of course' and was looking at me like i asked a stupid question. Then i asked about PROTEIN, because the surgeon i had dealt with last time told me not to worry about protein, just to not overeat and i would be fine. Well, obviously i thought that was strange, since protein is such a huge deal for WLS patients according to everything i have read and everyone i have spoken with. So i mentioned first what the other surgeon had told me, and then i asked him if he thought protein was more important--if i needed to get in a certain amount of grams of protein a day. Well, my surgeon started going off on me about how the "protein doesn't matter and that this isn't America and things aren't done here in Holland the way they are done in America." He was obviously pretty upset, and I had no idea where that comment came from, because i hadn't mentioned anything about America or even "what i've read" to him, i only told him what the other surgeon said and i asked if it was true. So he kept going on and on about America and how things are done differently in Holland. And i told him that "i don't care about America or how they handle things here or there, I just want to do things the right way...this isn't about America and Holland's differences, this is about my health and safety." So he just started getting more and more angry, and he told me that I need to stop blaming everyone at the hospital for things! WTF?? He said he didn't like playing the blame game and that he doesn't want to hear it. What the hell?? It came out of nowhere! I hadn't blamed anyone for anything, i didn't even have any complaints! I had general questions about vitamins, protein, blood levels, birth control (he flipped out on that one! Said that i shouldn't be asking him questions about that-- even though it pertained to calcium levels), a psychologist visit (he REALLY REALLY flipped out on this one!!!), and about the pain in my belly. You know what he did about the pain in my belly? He's like, 'yea ok, i can take a look' and shrugged and then felt around and said, "Well it doesn't feel like you have a hernia or anything" and then he sat down and went on to the next subject! So....am i just supposed to live with the pain or what?? I mean...what was going on?!
About the psychologist, i just asked him about it because i have been hearing that I was supposed to have a psychologist appointment before the surgery (it's required normally at my hospital, but i didn't have one), and then i also heard that i was supposed to have an aftercare program from the Netherlands Obesity Clinic, where they give 13 psychologist visits included in your WLS package, and I haven't gotten anything like that. I didn't even know what the Netherlands Obesity Clinic was until sometime after my surgery. My surgeon told me that it was too late and that i should have called earlier, so i told him that i called more than 2 months ago and that no one could help me and that they all told me to wait until my appointment with you (the surgeon). Then he said that i could call the Netherlands Obesity Clinic, and I told him that i already did and that they referrred me back to the hospital. So THEN he blames it on me again and says that I had to know about the clinic and the psyhcologist, and that i probably just didn't want it!...OMG...is he serious!!?? Why wouldn't i want help and aftercare??? I just followed their system and did what they told me to do! Plus, to the best of my knowledge, things are not optional like that anyway.
Ok, so...he kept going on and on about the psychologist and was like, "Well, i can make you an appointment with the psychologist if you want, but i don't think your insurance will cover it now because it's too late, but you can call and ask them. So do you want an appointment or not!?" I just told him no. There is no point in having one appointment with a shrink, which i will probably have to pay for anyway, even though it's supposed to be part of my treatment. He was so mean. Then he started saying, "Look, you're losing weight, what is your problem? Why aren't you happy?", and i go, "Well, i didn't do this to just 'lose weight', that's not all there is to this process. I feel like i haven't been properly cared for or treated nicely, and now you're going on and on about this America versus Holland stuff, and i don't know why you're doing it, but i wish you would stop because it's insulting and has nothing to do with anything". And he starts repeating: "Well, you can just go to another surgeon. You're not my patient anymore." etc etc... And he started saying general things, like 'we've taken proper care of you and this is just normal and how we run things. This isn't America. We've handled you the same way we handle everyone and we have been perfectly normal with you. You're losing weight, so what is your problem then?', and i go: "You don't have to keep repeating yourself with those kinds of statements to make up for what you just did in the past 20 minutes." Then he got even more angry and kept saying, 'I'm done I'm done, this is over. You can leave. Here's the anme of a surgeon, you can go somewhere else", and he gave me the name of a surgeon and hopsital that is interlinked with his hospital, and i said, "Well, can I choose where i want to go?" and he paused awkwardly and said sure. And i mentioned another hopsital, and again he awkwardly agreed. Then i told him i didn't appreciate his discriminatory remarks towards me and this whole blown up misunderstanding he had with me and how he has treated me. Then i left. And the whole time he was rushing me and rushing me and wanted me out of there asap, after i was the one who came to the appointment on time and had to wait 45 minutes for him to come see me!

Anyway....I had to write this out while it was still fresh in my head.
I feel so...abused or something. I just don't understand what happened. I come with normal, easy to answer questions, and he says that i am blaming everyone for things and that America does things stupidly (uh, ok...?), and that i'm not his patient anymore. I cried a lot during that visit, as you can imagine.
The whole time there was an intern (probably a resident student learning) standing there listening to everything. Michiel (my husband) said that the intern looked embarressed. Well...i can imagine that!

And well...although i had no complaints, even if i had come with 2 pages FILLED with complaints, SO WHAT?!  isn't that the time to discuss it? everytime i call the hospital for anything, they tell me to wait until my appointment with the surgeon! pfft. Everything is so unprofessional there. I mean, everyone keeps saying things about that hospital, and I'm always like, 'well, they're really busy and stuff and it's hard to take personal perfect care of all those patients' etc etc...but now i really see that patients are just pieces in a factory to them. So many people keep saying that, and now i see it even clearer. And i'm really pissed about all that stupid America vs. Holland nonsense.

ahhh! check it out

Oct 11, 2008

My BMI is 33.6 today! eeek! yay. I'm coming close to being under 200 pounds! whoa. I don't remember being under 200 pounds, i was just a kid...maybe 10 or 11 years old? Oh man.  
Total weight loss: 82 pounds
Weight lost since surgery: 71 pounds! omg. Is this really happening?

4 months and 3 days post-op!

Oct 05, 2008

Well, i'm 3 days late on updating on my 4 month surgiversary, lol.
Let's see then... *gets out calculator*

Beginning highest weight: 292
Surgery day weight: 279.4
Current weight: 214.5
Total weight loss: 77.5
Weight lost since surgery date: 65
Beginning BMI: 47
Current BMI: 34.6!! --no longer a candidate for WLS.

I've been losing slower on the scale, but still losing quick in inches, because of working out and gaining muscles. I don't have to shop in plus size stores for pants anymore because they sell my size in most of the normal stores. I think i wear a 16 in American sizes. It's funny, i always get a new pair of pants on the anniversary of my surgery each month, and i do it unknowingly! That is SO strange. Like, everytime one month goes by (EXACTLY one month), i need new pants because they ones i have been wearing are then too big. Interesting. :]
I have my check up next Monday the 13th, and i cannot wait! I honestly feel like i have not been properly cared for post-op, like i've just been operated on and then left to fend for myself in the gutter, basically. I hope i can get some good advice and good care on Monday and from here on out.
I know my vitamin levels will be low, so i hope that my surgeon can help me out there. I never got my post-op psychologist appointments that i am supposed to get, so i would like those as well.

As for eating, it's going well. No problems. Need to get in more protein, but i'm pretty lost on how right now, because i can't eat enough to get it in through food, and the Netherlands isn't really the place for protein supplements. They have some, but they aren't tasty...they tend to be gross, in fact. And expensive. No tester packets to try, which is the problem!
Well, we'll see what my surgeon says.
Good luck to everyone else!

Go check out my new 4 month post-op photo album!
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

3 months and 3 weeks post-op

Sep 24, 2008

61 pounds gone since surgery and 72 gone since highest weight! Whoa...i hadn't even realized it was that much.
Current weight: 218.5

I have been working out of course, and i am getting some serious muscles, so the scale doesn't move as quickly lately, but i know i am still losing fat because the pants i bought just 3 weeks ago are getting loose already! Man i love those pants. Anyway...muscles are good. I dream of getting really really fit one day, and pursuing my 'plans of athleticism' lol  Seriously though, i mean that.

Fall has come, and ohhhhh man do i love it! I'm cold, but i just love fall weather and the clothes! I've always pretty much hated summer. And well...the fall is so beautiful.

I wish my appt with my surgeon would hurry up and get here! I'm really anxious to speak with him and to get my blood results and some good directions on vitamins and whatnot.

Well, for now i will end this, because it's early here and i am at a loss of what to write. For those wondering, i'll go ahead and mention that eating is going well. No throwing up or anything like that. Still struggle with protein, but i do my best given my circumstances.

OH, one more thing: my hair has started to fall out. Not toooo much, but it's noticeable. Not noticeable on myhead yet, but noticeable in the shower, on my hair brush, and on my clothes!

3 months and 2 weeks post-op. Plateau

Sep 16, 2008

Yep, i'm stalling. Hopefully not for long. Been the same weight for about 2 weeks, a little less.

My 2nd post-op appointment with my surgeon is October 13th. I'd really like to know my vitamin levels, since i've been such a slacker. But not anymore! Nooo no. I'm going to take care of myself damnit! I love life too much.

Stayed home from school today. I just needed a break. I was so tired when i woke up, and my head and nose was all tight. Bleh.

The gym is going well. Gets better and better every week. My heart rate goes down, my resistance goes up.

It's weird. It seems like my surgery was sooo long ago, but it's only been 3 months ago. I keep feeling like my weight loss has ended or something, but it's only going to keep going down! Hard to imagine, but a most beautiful thought!

Btw, i wear the same pair of pants about every single day, lol. Waaa! (i wash them after 2 or 3 uses). I don't have any others that fit, they're all too big, and i can't afford to go out and buy more pants right now. poo. I need to be rich. :] don't we all?

3 months and 4 days post-op!

Sep 07, 2008

Alrighty peoples, it's been 3 months and 4 days since my roux en y.
I'm now 224 pounds! My highest weight was 292, which was only a couple of weeks before surgery!
Since surgery i have lost 55 pounds, but i have lost 68 since my highest weight. My BMI went from 47 to 36.2!

I've been going to the gym twice a week with a personal trainer (two trainers actually). It's really helping! I'm losing rather steadily now, probably around 2 or 3 pounds a week i suppose. Sometimes i stall, but ya know...no worries :]
I still don't eat as much as i should, i suppose. I haven't kept track of it lately, but i'd guess that my caloric intake per day is around 400, give or take. Honestly, i try to up it a bit by eating whole fat and higher calorie foods sometimes. Like cheese. I eat regular cheese, not low-fat. I just don't eat a lot of it.
Hmm...problems with food: pretty much none. I mean, one day i started eating dinner...i ate like 3 bites, and then i started cramping and vomited. It was a cheesey-like chicken whole-wheat pasta. I really don't understand it, but it wasn't going down well, so it came up. I didn't think i ate fast. I mean, i chew my food REALLLLLlLLLYYYYY well, so i don't think it was from eating fast, but who knows. *shrug*

I'm a very very bad person when it comes to my vitamins. I always always forget. I believe that i am stupid. I mean come on! I know what will happen if i don't take them, yet i still don't! But i have talked it out with Michiel the other night, and when he said: "You're not only putting yourself in danger, you're putting both of us in danger," it really opened my eyes and brain, and made me realize how selfish i was being by not taking care of myself. So from now on i will do my very best to always take my vitamins, even if they taste like rust!---which they do.

Haven't been losing any hair yet, but the hair on my legs and underarms grows like mad now. I've read several times of that happening post-op. It just grows faster for some reason! And to be honest...i'm not the type to remember to shave everyday, lol. So i'm kinda fuzzy at the moment! But i could care less, haha. I was made this way; i grow hair! Get over it people. =P hehe

So yes, not only am i married now, but i have also started school again. man i love my school. The people are fantastic, and so are the teachers. Lots of interesting nice people everywhere. And my Atelier (yes, i'm an art student) is just the shit! Sooo awesome. I've made one hell of an atelier!

Anyway...check out my 3 month post-op pictures!!! I made an album especially for the 3 monthers, because i feel like 3 months is an interesting spot post-op.

Edit: and by the way, if it seems kinda weird when i talk about getting married so nonchalantly (sp?), well, it's just because i like to use this blog and website to mostly just talk about my weight and post-op life. But in case you're wondering, it was a very special and fun day :]

12.5 weeks out. 50 gone since surgery. 61 since highest!

Aug 27, 2008

WOW!! Finally 50 down since surgery!

Current weight: 229.68 (so, 230).

I started school Monday. A few people mentioned my weight loss, but most people didn't...maybe they were a little too shy to mention anything about it. Or maybe they just didn't notice or remember how i was last year! haha, it's possible. I mean, i'm still not skinny or something.

Anyway, it's ealy here. 8:30 to be exact, and i have to get ready for school in a minute. So i can't make this long.

I picked up some Atkins protein-ish, low carb bars to have for breakfast. YAY, they've saved me. Also, they've finally started selling fake egg whites protein supplement in the health store! So i got some of that too. It's powder that i have to mix. So yea...things are looking up, food wise.

I'M MARRIED!!!!!!!!! Got married Monday!
Yay! hehe

I really have to go now. I may come back and edit this at some point, but who knows!!

Good luck to everyone!!

11 & 1/2 weeks. 46 down since surgery. 57 since highest weight.

Aug 19, 2008

I might have broken my plateau yesterday. I did some heavy cardio, and i woke up this morning almost 2 pounds lighter since day before yesterday. So we'll see.
I need to work on eating more. I think burned more calories than i ate yesterday. As always... *sigh*.

Guess what!? Well, i do indeed get gym visits for 'free'. My insurance pays for it to a certain point because it is through the physical therapist! So i go twice a week (22 visits), and i have a personal trainer. Good huh? :] I'm SO excited about it! I have my first actual work-out there today! Twice a week isn't much, but i have a lot of equipment at home, so i work out at home as well.

As for my arms, it turns out that besides the bigness and un-even proportion problems, my skin is also messed up! It's all broken up underneath. It feels like rice or small dumplings in some places. So the therapist is going to try to repair my skin tissue as well. She didn't understand why it was like that, but we'll see what we can do about it! Yayyy! I can't wait to have normal arms :P

I did indeed get my hair cut! It's quite a bit shorter, but i LOVE IT!! so easy to manage. It's just below my shoulders kinda, with lots of layers, and side bangs. The perm was cut out of it and now it's just my natural curls left. Looks great, feels great and it's very healthy! Shiny and soft. :]
I was going to make a picture today after i get ready. I'll post it!

About Me
Jan 29, 2008
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 21
5 months and 2 weeks post-op. Batteries out of scale!
4 months and 3 or 4 weeks post-op (nearly 5 months)
My surgeon? Not anymore
ahhh! check it out
4 months and 3 days post-op!
3 months and 3 weeks post-op
3 months and 2 weeks post-op. Plateau
3 months and 4 days post-op!
12.5 weeks out. 50 gone since surgery. 61 since highest!
11 & 1/2 weeks. 46 down since surgery. 57 since highest weight.
