its been a while good news!!
Apr 13, 2012
Yes so I have been doing great after the surgery... I am currently 188-190 depending on the day and my goal is to be under 150. At my highest I was 350 pounds and I went down to 333 when I started looking into having surgery and 315 on the day of surgery. I am currently in a state unversity college and I am a size 14 down from a 26-28 pants and 26,28,30 shirts. During this journey I have worked out and ate healthy and I have also seen some of my emotional eating come back to visit from time to time..lol.. If anyone has questions feel free to contact me, I look forward to communicating with those who are on this journey of a healhty lifetsyle...p.s. I also plan on looking into skin removal but im not sure if I wait until I get to under 150 (my goal) or do I have the surgery now... any advice would help!!
be blessed