May 4

May 04, 2008

Well things are going well still no scale moving though, but buying smaller pants I am in an 18, and fit into a size 16 dress that I've had for years. That felt really good. Still working out about  4 days a week. Meet a new friend at the gym her daughter was playing with my daughter and we introducted ourselves and she's there alot so that's a good thing I finally meet someone that is as dedicated as I, but she never had WLS. I do enjoy working out very much I feel so good once I'm done.


Apr 08, 2008

Well as of this date 4/8/08 I am down 40 pounds. Almost under 200. Feeling good about my victory.

Fill/Unfill nightmare

Mar 31, 2008

Well I went for my fill under fluro on Thursday 3/27/08 and he put 2 more cc's in, and told me to be careful that if I couldn't eat I was too full. Went home and tried to drink some broth- no go. Tried applesauce no go. Thought okay tomorrow it will be better just alittle swollen probably. Went on to work on Friday and talked to my friend Terri about my dilema and she said drink some water you can never have too much water, so I had a sip of water and about an hour later I had to throw it up. So I called Marcy and asked if this was what I should expect and she said no, they would get a hold of Tae.
That afternoon he called me and said he'd be here in 20 mins to try and get so saline out. I was hoping so, I really didn't want to go back to radiology that day. So here he was and my friend Terri was with me as he poked and poked over and over again, finally I said Terri pray he gets it, then finally he GOT IT!!!!! Thank you God so he drew off 1 cc and had me drink some water. Well I am at the restriction that I am happy with I can't eat as much as before and that is o.k. I feel much better and now maybe I'll get under 200 before the summer. :)   

Better day

Mar 19, 2008

I went to the gym tonight ( havn't been since thurs las week) feel better my body doesn't ache as much when I work out. Got a great salad for lunch kept me satisfied for the rest of the day. I may be on to something here. Saw PCP yesterday she is very pleased with my success and also had a  talk with Dr Kim, really looking forward to my fill next week even though it hurts a bit, but my weight is at a stand still for now. I really want more off.


Mar 18, 2008

Well yesterday I was down on myself I had what I call mindless eating all weekend long eating what ever and waiting too long in between mals to eat so it caused me to overeat. I will not beat myself up over it just return to writing down what i eat and evaulate it on a day to day basis. Learn from my mistakes  and make sure I continue to be successful and take my journey where I want it to go. I will also be aware of my feelings when I eat as I am an emotional eater and that makes a difference, no excuses.  


Mar 13, 2008

Almost another week and now my jeans that I bought 2 months ago don't fit any more. Not that I am complaining, but I don't have money to keep buying clothes and I look and feel sloppy when they are too big on me.
I am getting my fill next week and I am kind of excited about it, since I am losing only about 1 pound a week, but hey it's better than gaining.
I will go to a meeting on Saturday. Maybe get some tips about losing more per week, but people say 1 pound per week is normal for the band.  

Feeling empowered

Mar 05, 2008

I feel so empowered after a good work out. I really could stay at the gym for hours and be content, am I getting obsessed about working out???? Well anyway the way I feel after I work out is worth it. Today I ran,ran I say on the treadmill only for 2 mniutes but hey it's a start. I did do my cardio for 15 mins and weights, then another 10 mins on the treadmill. My boobs are so big it was a little uncomfortable, and everyone at work talks about how my boobs will get smaller as I lose, i don't see it and really don't think so but ya never know.
Glad I got back on track and back to working out. Still NSV but like i said before wearing smaller clothes. My muscles are so strong in my legs and thighs.

Another milestone

Mar 03, 2008

Went again last week and  bought 14/16 pants and bought a size 18 jeans. Very proud of myself. Feeling good and working out at the gym helps with stress as well as eating it gives me something to do besides think about food or even have time to eat. When the scale moves thats all I need. I am going to keep up my positive attitude and hard work.  

New Day/New me

Feb 25, 2008

Well my hard work has paid off, I am wearing size xl pants. I am very proud of myself my hard work at the gym is paying off, I may be builging muscle mass, but the scale is also down to 209. Still trying for that goal to be under 200 by St Patty's Day. Still haven't figured out how to get in on the challenge yet. I keep truckin along. :)

Tuesday 2/19/08

Feb 19, 2008

Well I am discouraged as I went to the mall last night instead of going to the gym and went out to eat also, which I am trying to curtail. Another day today though as I am going to the gym tonight. I am achy and need to work out I do feel better when I work out and my attitude is more positive.
So far have been good with the eating ( except last night ) the protein shakes are holding me longer which is a plus.
I am frustrated about family issues and hope my emotions don't interfere in my eating, I need to remember that it is not a reason to eat, exercise is better and more healthy. I am also stressed about work I have a co-worker who just plucks my nerves and I am a supervisor and have to be careful about what I say. Boy do I bite my tongue and it gives me a headache. Motrin here I come.
Well I am going out to run errands on my lunch break it will be good to get away.  

About Me
Jul 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 12
May 4
Fill/Unfill nightmare
Better day
Feeling empowered
Another milestone
New Day/New me
Tuesday 2/19/08
