Michelle H.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Nov 18, 2006
I received my conformation for St. Vincent's seminar for December 4, 2006 - I am so excited! My Mom is going with me while my Dad takes my son out to dinner - David has to work.
After reading what others had to say about insurance companies, I went ahead and contacted every doctor (and hospital) I have been to and asked them to send me my records. I want to make sure I have everything ready.
I am already under doctor's care so I can have a running record of my weight and blood pressure as of November 8 - 346 lbs and 140/95.She ordered blood tests and a sleep study - I had the blood testing done (day of the appointment) and am still waiting for the sleep place to call to make an appointment with me.
I had to go to the ER November 11 (sore throat and ear ache - had an early ear infection). Had a BP of 143/103.Am having bloody noses almost everyday - We have aprilaire so the heat isn't the culprit, I believe these have been happening b/c my BP has been high. Although they have slowed down this past week, I still have one every other day or so. I informed the ER doc and my doc.
I wake up everyday with headaches and I feel so exhausted as if I didn't sleep a wink! Once, while driving to school I almost fell asleep!! I try to keep the car cold and I sing to stay awake. I hate being this way...I feel like my health is deteriorating. I pray this process goes quicker so I can get the help I need.
My family is being great about everything. My SO, David, is the best. He still stands beside me even though I am so mean at times. I know he really loves me. :) My son has been great too. I have been blessed with such a great family! :)
This is a hard journey. At first I was against having surgery for losing weight, I thought I could do this alone and surgery was all to 'quick' a solution. Now I am seeing just how wrong I was...this will change my life, it has to as it is my only hope left.
Thanks to all the others, I feel this is right for me and will work! Thanks again to all of you who came here to tell your story - know that I listened and am doing something for myself b/c of what you did!
I'm a quitter (7/10/04) and
soon to be a loser!
Michelle :)
Thanks to all the others, I feel this is right for me and will work! Thanks again to all of you who came here to tell your story - know that I listened and am doing something for myself b/c of what you did!
I'm a quitter (7/10/04) and
soon to be a loser!
Michelle :)