January to September
Jan. 6 - I attended Barix for a consult with Dr Schram, he is a very caring person. This was not my first visit to Barix as I drove a friend to her PAT's in Dec. She was the one who has inspired me to persue WLS. Dr Schram only requested that I have a stress test done.Jan. 16 - Appointment with family doctor. He was not supportive of Out of the Country, but would support WLS if done in Ontario. He said that he would make a refferal to the Toronto Group.
Apr. 20 - Still no progress being made. Family doctor said he faxed to referal but could not find it. I was very upset by this and once again requested that he send OHIP and out of country form, because as a patient I should have some say in who, what and where I am to be treated.
May 6 - Change of family doctor sort off, Nurse practictioner under the same doctor filled out the forms and sent them in.
June 24 - Approval Letter from OHIP arrived
About Me
Windsor, XX
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2008
Member Since