Hello, My name is Lucretia (Lucy). I am 28 years old and currently weight 255lbs. This is the most I have ever wore so I am very sad to be this big. I have struggled with my weight since I was in elementary school. I have always been one of the biggest girls in my class, so I often felt like I didn't fit in. Most of my family members are either a little or alot overweight both on my maternal and paternal side, so it was just something that was accepted. I have tried several different dieting plans like getting b6 and b12 shots to eating weight watcher, slimfast. Joining gym after gym only to start and stop every time. Losing weight for me is not easy even though I try and try to loss weight on my own it just wasn't working. I started looking at having possible weight loss surgery when I was diagnosed in October 2008 with PCOS. I want to see myself having children in my near future and living a healthy life. I have no energy and get out of breath from doing the smallest things. This not a life I want for myself so now is my time to stand and improve my life.
Music Video:
href="" target="_blank">Moving Mountains by (Usher)