Long Time No Communicate
Aug 07, 2010
I didn't realize that I haven't been on here for that long. That what happens when your life gets busy and complicated. I finally graduated from grad school in May so that was a relief however, I found out that I was pregnant in January 2010.My special bundle will be here on September 12 or maybe before depends on her. I was really suprised, anxious, overjoyed, and worried all at the same time. I quess that is what first time moms do all the time. It has been worrying me sick to try make sure that I gain enough weight during my pregnancy in oreder to subtain her, however the doctor has assured me that even if I don't gain the requiremented 20 pounds that the baby is still gaining weight. So far that has been true and she continues to reach her growth milestones so that is a blessing in it self.