Junk in the trunk
Sep 02, 2010
Junk in the trunk...I don't want the Cadillac trunk I want the Prius trunk (not to small, but not to big)!
Hello! Let me just say I love my elliptical! My kids love it to! I have it set up in the living room, turn on a show and off I go.
Have tried a few new recipes that were a big hit with the family. First I did the Ricotta Bake along with the Ricotta Dessert. The family gave the Ricotta Bake 2 thumbs up, but they were not to crazy about the Ricotta Dessert. I told them they were crazy and didn't know what they were talking about. Maybe it's a woman thing, because all of the ladies I work with tried it and all loved it. They also loved the Ricotta Bake. The next recipe I tried was The Sheppard's Pie and yet again another hit! I did the topping a little different than EggFace. Instead I used mashed cauliflower and added a little bit of crumbled blue cheese with a little of shredded cheese. Yummy! Again the family and co-workers loved it. One girl asked that I make it for her before I go out for my surgery because I won't be there for her birthday potluck. Love to cook, because I love seeing people happy when they try one of my dishes.
Ok now for the junk in the trunk comment. If you don't know what I mean please ask, for those of you, who do understand - what trunk are you and what trunk do you want?
Until next time.