May 25, 2010
Wow, haven't been on here for a long time. I am not doing well at all. Have not lost any weight in over a year. Accually I have gained 26 lbs back. I know what I am doing wrong.Just seem to be right back where I was before surgery. Not able to control my eating. Not drinking water, not taking vitamins.Not excersicing. I know what I need to do, I just don't. I've decided that I am gonna put my focus back on myself and crack down on myself and do this right. I di not have this surgery to still weigh 275 lbs! Hope to have good knews to report soon.
2 months post-op
Apr 04, 2008
Well I am two months post-op and doing ok. I have loss a total of 63 pounds and 27 and 1/2 inches of my whole body.Having some trouble with getting enough water and protien drinks in a day. But I am working on it.I am trying to get exersice but I am having trouble with my lower back again and it's hard to walk some days.But I keep trying.Overall doing ok with food. Not able to keep most meats down. I do ok with hamburger and lunch meats. Other than that I haven't found anything I can't eat. Of course I haven't tried anything with sugar in it and I won't .Don't need that.So overall I am doing fine and on my way to live life to the fullest!
3 weeks post-op
Feb 22, 2008
It has been three weeks today since surgery. I have had alot of ups and downs emotionally.Alot of why did I do this to myself.As of today I am down 30 lbs since surgery and 45 lbs from my highest weight. I have loss 14 inches off my entire body. So that is all good just need to get over these food withdraws I am having.Maybe when I can have something besides liquids and mussy foods it will help.Anybody thinking about having this surgery should really think it over. I thought I had all the facts and could handle it but I soon found out it is alot harder than I amagined.They tell me it will get better. We will see!
It's almost here!!
Jan 28, 2008
It has been forever since I have posted. I have cancelled my surgery twice due to family pressure.I have rescheduled it for Feb.1st. and I am gonna do it this time!I'm on liquid diet right now, doing ok.Only four more days and I will be a loser!! I am very excited!!
New date
Nov 20, 2007
My surgery scheduled for the 12th of Nov. had to be canncelled because I had trouble with my gallbladder and had to have it taken out. Had some trouble after surgery so my Dr. and I decided to postpone for awhile. I now have a new date for surgery and that is Jan.8th. I am looking very forward to having it done. Christmas day will be my last big meal before I start my liquid diet. So that soinds like a perfect time to start my new life.
I have a date!!
Oct 04, 2007
I finally have a date. It is Nov. 12th at 6:30a. I am so excited I can't hardly wait. Have alot of appointments this month to keep me busy.I have a strees test on the 9th, a throat scope and appointment with the Dr. who will be taking care of me in the hospital on the 23rd. Oh yeah and a sleep study on the 15th to get fitted for the cpap machine. And my pre-op testing and meeting with the anetegiologist and the dietition on the29th. And thats when I will start my liguid diet. And then the surgery on the 12th.
It;s alot to keep track of. But it keeps me busy. Also have a support meeting on the18th. I am so glad that I decided to do this. I just can't wait to get started. I'll write more as it gets closer.
It;s alot to keep track of. But it keeps me busy. Also have a support meeting on the18th. I am so glad that I decided to do this. I just can't wait to get started. I'll write more as it gets closer.
STILL WAITING, July 9,2007
Jul 09, 2007
It's July now and I am still waiting for my consult with Dr. Hornbostel. It is in Sept. But now they have changed thier requirements and now I have to have a documented six month diet with my PCP. I go tomorrow to get that going, but I hope we can go back to April when I first saw my doctor about getting approval letter for surgery. She told me then about getting on low calorie diet and excersie. So hopefully that wil work and I'll have three and a half of my months done.
Life is ok. I've been sick alot with colds and stuff and have a giant reddish-purple thing on my leg that they think is a tick bite. So I am on antibiotics for 14days to get rid of that.
My youngest grandson Gabriel will be one on the 11th. They grow so fast.
Well that's all for now. Will update on progress of six month diet. Started at 369 as my highest weight am 355 now.
Life is ok. I've been sick alot with colds and stuff and have a giant reddish-purple thing on my leg that they think is a tick bite. So I am on antibiotics for 14days to get rid of that.
My youngest grandson Gabriel will be one on the 11th. They grow so fast.
Well that's all for now. Will update on progress of six month diet. Started at 369 as my highest weight am 355 now.
May 30, 2007
May 30, 2007
This my first entry in my blogs. It's almost the end of May. This has been a busy month for my family. Three B-days, my grandma, my son and my niese.Two high school graduations, my niese and my nephew.School concerts, and of course the end of school for the summer. Not to mention a sleep apnia test. And made my appointment for my consultation with Dr. Hornbostel for Sept. Also had company come in to town from FL. and IL. for memorial day.
Not doing great on my pre-surgery diet. Need to work harder on that next month! Not much more to say. Just still trying to get as much information as I can before surgery.Love all the help I get here.
Not doing great on my pre-surgery diet. Need to work harder on that next month! Not much more to say. Just still trying to get as much information as I can before surgery.Love all the help I get here.
About Me
Kirksville, MO
Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2006
Member Since