May 2nd
May 02, 2007
Got the "official" letters today....delivered by Purolator!
May 1/07
May 01, 2007
Doctor's office phoned this morning!! I was APPROVED! I set up my appointments to attend the mandatory seminar and then meet with the doctor, nurse, dietician, insurance people the next day!!! June 13th and 14th.
April 27/07
Apr 27, 2007
Called my dr to day....they got a letter requesting more info about me...he is going to call me back! Keep your fingers crossed.
The waitng Game
Apr 26, 2007
well....I finally got up the nerve to talk to my doctor about WLS. I had chickened out at about 5 prior appointments! My friend that is having the surgery (A.H.)gave me the courage to at least ask. I am now waiting for my out of country approval through OHIP! It will be better to have it done out of country as the wait in Ontario is about 3-4 years, or so I am told....Once you make this decision, (which is a huge one) you want the surgery tomorrow! Oh well...All I can do is wait wait wait and wait!