13 years post op
Apr 17, 2015
i will be 13 yrs postoperative in May ...wow! I have lost weight again, which I didn't mind until it got to 128. I was 155 6 months ago. It bothers me because I wasn't trying to lose weight. This is just a brief update..my husband Steve passed away a yr ago. It's hard, I miss the good Steve ....don't drink and take meds!
7 years post op
Jun 04, 2009
I have gained some weight, due to the Lyrica i take for my fibromyalgia (dx'd this year) I am not happy about it at all. I havent been able to be active in the last year. I was injured while driving the truck (tractor trailer). I I went from being a very active person so hardly being able to walk.
Anyway, i am getting better slowly. This damn Fibro kicks my butt though. I recently went to a rhuematologist and he told me i was severely dificient in vit D, i have to start taking prescription strength vit d. I take it 2 x a week for 12 weeks, this also causes pain and fatigue...oh ya, lets not forget thats the reason why i had 10 teeth break off at the gum. I had stopped taking my vits for a few years. stupid stupid. I dont advise anyone to do this. I started them back a month ago. I am due for a iron infusion, my ferratin level is low.
On the homefront. I am here living with my cat jody. She keeps me company. Steven and i have separated, he lives about an hour away. I will be moving in with my daughter brittany and her family, (kenny and my grand daughters.). It will help me and i will be able to watch the kids while they work. I miss the babies so much, britt also.
I have been working hard on getting my strength back. I am using only my cane now, no walker. I still dont regret this surgery. It gave me a life back, now i have to fight to get it back again physically. i WILL do it
April 2008
Apr 01, 2008
Wow the year is just rolling by. I am still maintaining my weight. I am pretty happy where i am . Last summer i got my CDL and Steven was my trainer. We drive team for Werner Enterprises right now. It is nice to feel like i am useful. I love the job. I love being able to be with him as much as possible. We definetly see some beautiful sites. People take for granted what we have really been blessed with. Steven and i just celebrated out 2 yrs anniversary. Seems like so much longer. With all the ups and downs we are making it. I am so proud of him, he is doing really well. A month ago he was dx'd with Emphesyma and he was put on chantix, it worked, he quit smoking. I started taking it, got a week into taking it and had to stop, it was affecting my bipolar badly. SO here i am almost quit but havent yet. I am working on it though. I feel bad.
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Nov 10, 2006
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