Hi  I wanted to share my process with everyone. In June I finally was able to finish all the requirements for the surgery. I waited patiently for the answer. They gave me a date of Aug 9 for the surgery pending insurance. I started my liquid diet 2week before in case. I then received a denial 3 days before the surgery. I was so upset but not ready to give up. I then was told that it would take 6 more week for an appeal. I then received another letter asking for more information. Althought they already had 45 pages of documentation of information. I then almost gave up. I had worked so hard and felt drained. Just when I gave up. I got a call that very same day from my surgeons office saying Hey we have great news for you were approved. I was shocked. Then a date of October 1. 

About Me
Gloucester, MA
Surgery Date
Aug 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 6
February 2, 2008
October 22
Tuesday October 9
Saturday October 6
Night before sugery Sept 30
Doctors appointment 9/18/07
