And a year later...

Oct 28, 2009

Wow, I haven't updated.  For like, almost a year.  Wow! 

So, nothing really new here.  I keep my weight between 127 and 130lbs pretty easily and haven't gained or lost anything outside of that for 12 months now.  Doc says I'm right where I ought to be.  I wear a 4, nothing has changed or moved around since I did my clothes shopping last winter.  Eventually I plan for plastics, at least a lower body lift, but with four little kids at home and having to do it all out of pocket, I think that is probably still a year or two away.  It's not medically necessary, but I am very self concious, especially naked, about some of the excessive skin.  Still, I'd take this over the fat any day.  

Playing dodgeball with hubbie.  He's learning guitar and we hike alot.  I like yoga but don't go as often as I should.  I dance alot.  Even just at home, in the car, pretty much just throughout my day.  I was running but I hit a lack of motivation patch.  More into physical stuff you can do with other people and hard core housework - ie. painting the kids bedrooms, staining the deck, rebuilding the pantry, etc.  

My hair - well about half of it fell out after surgery.  So even though it went to my butt before, it was kinda mangled.  So I got a bunch cut off - to my shoulders.  And it went all crazy super curly.  It had been straight - my whole LIFE it was STRAIGHT.  But now it's been a year, and it's still all curly, crazy and gets all afro-ed out.  I don't mind, but it is quirky.  It changed color too.  So I had straight blonde hair and half of it fell out and the new stuff that grew in is dark brown and super curly.  I never heard of that before.  Luckily I'm pretty laid back and that kind of thing doesn't phase me too much. 

Kids are good, dog is good, hubbie is good.  I can do caffine now, but not TOO much at once (ie. couple sodas or one coffee a day - no espresso!).  Carbonation is fine.  I burp alot more now when I do soda.  I do eat sweets, not like before just something little occasionally.  I don't dump easy but I don't crave the crap like I used to and definately only need a little to satisfy me.  Before I swear I really do not think there was a limit when my brain ever said "enough".  Eventually I just ate there was and so then there was no more.  Do I ever eat a half a donut?  Sure.  Do I ever eat two or three?  HELL NO.  And I have no desire to.  I'm sure it would make me sick but even if it wouldn't, it's like the surgery was on my brain and the part of me that NEEDED that to be OK was removed.  

I didn't touch alcohol or caffine or carbonation for the first year post-op (March 2008-March 2009).  Now I sometimes have a rum-and-diet-pepsi in the evening.  I get a buzz easy.  I don't get drunk, I hate the feeling and I limit myself - no more than 2 always - even at an all evening party.  But I get tipsy off barely anything.  It passes very fast, though.  I get a buzz after literally two sips of anything, but a half hour later I'm cold sober.  Again, just something I didn't expect.  I knew post-ops usually get drunk very, very easily and have low tolerance, but I didn't expect that it was something that passed as quickly as it came on.  

I have days I forget about my sugery and my pouch.  I ran into an old co-worker and she didn't know who I was and I was deeply offended.  Hubbie pointed out that since I saw her last I went from a size 22 with long blond hair to a size 4 brunette with short curls.  Right.  Duh!  But I forgot how much the physical had changed.  I just got my feelings hurt when I yelled out "Hi Suzy!" and she said "Uh, I'm sorry, but I don't know you".  Hubbie thought that means I have accepted my body as it is today as "normal" and replaced my previous mental image with the person I look like now.  I think he might have something there too.  Takes awhile to get there, but I am getting good at knowing if something will fit before I try it on and I naturally head to the right clothing racks and I am no longer suprised when I see a mirror or my reflection in a store front.  Pleased, yes.  Surprised, no.  

So I guess in all my journey is almost two years now.  I made the decision Christmas eve 2007 to persue this.  I went to my first informational meeting the first week of Jan. 2008.  March 25, 2008 was my surgery date.  By November I was to goal weight and have stayed there now for 11 months.  My one year check up came in great, my labs were just fine.  Last week I donated blood - no problems with anemia - passed that test just fine. 

I still eat protein first, but I don't track it daily.  I have a pretty good idea in my head, though, if I need to eat more to have had the right amount for the day.  I can tell you how much protein most things have and where in general my daily number is if I think about it.  But I don't log it in The Daily Plate.  Climbed some mountains this summer.  Made the kids so some of them with me.  I still get cold easy but not as bad as last winter.  I think I'm just more used to it.  Body is adjusting to having less insulation.  I still like to cook.  I still like to eat good stuff.  There is some stuff I don't eat, because my body doesn't like it so much but very, very few things like that.  I'm good with spicy, or sweet, or whatever.  Certain odd foods that I like don't like me back - rice, chex mix, odd things.  They don't have anything much of value nutritionally anyhow but it's odd when you can eat crackers but not chex mix or oatmeal but not rice.  I can always tell before I have one bite too many and I can always tell when I'm pushing it with the sugar and need to stop.  But what that is changes day to day.  Can I have a baby sized ice cream cone.  Maybe on Monday.  But a week later I might try the same exact thing and after one bite my pouch says "trust me, put it down.  Now."  I DO always listen to my pouch as I've learned the hard way that taking ANOTHER bite when you get THAT CERTAIN FEELING is just stupid.  

And gee, I guess that's me.  That is a year in life of a post-bypass, post-goal weight 35 year old woman.  Things are good, nothing too weird.  I have my quirks but none of them bother me.  Life goes on.  We adjust so much faster than I expected.  I am absolutely certain I will never gain the weight back.  Not just THE weight but ANY of the weight.  Sometimes I go over 130lbs when it's my period or I'm really sick and bloated and etc. but within about 48 hours it drops back down.  Jeff, the psychologist, says that if we ACCEPT a 5lb weight increase then we set the bar THERE instead of what we wanted before.  So when we have another five pound weight increase the next year we label it in our heads as "it's just five pounds" not the cumulative amount of "holy shit, I've gained 10 pounds!".  So he suggests we come up with a range that our body functions well in that is not too difficult to maintain and then log that in as acceptable and only that.  You go over your high number, you better eat a little less or work a little harder but it should be a big old RED FLAG for you.  Same comment if you drop below.  You better make sure you are eating what you should and taking care of yourself.  So I know my body, I know my pouch, I know my range, and making it work is easier than I could have dreamed.  Gastic bypass is no longer who I am to me, but just a part of life.  And there are other parts, too.  Those first months post-op you are a PATIENT and then you are a BUTTERFLY LEAVING THE COCOON and then you are TRANSFORMED and it really takes quite a while to just be a person again.  But I am.  I'm just me.  

Clothes shopping

Nov 09, 2008

Today I went clothes shopping at a MALL.  I went to the Gap and tried on tons of stuff.  I bought cute outfits in small sizes.  It was alot of fun.  Then I went to another store and tried on tons of stuff.  I bought more cute outfits in small sizes.  I ended up going to Macy's, Gap, and a couple other places, too.  I wear a 6 in most stores, a 4 in the stores that lie to you and say your smaller than you are.  ;-)  I've never done a regular "shopping" like regular size girls before.  I was fun.  But at one point a mother was trying to talk her very chunky daughter out of a way-too-tight outfit and I could see the daughters frusteratin and embarassment (she was tween aged) and after their argument I could see the mom trying to not cry but tearing up anyway.  Mom was bigger than the girl.  And I really, really hurt for them.  I didn't say anything.  But I knew what they were going through.  Both of them.  I have had a hundred embarassing horrible shopping experiences - and one good one.  Today.  Elation, pity, all kinds of feelings.  I'm standing there is a banging outfit, size 4, and watching this mom who is the same size I was crying in her frusteration to try so hard to dress a daughter who doesn't fit the mold, while still worring about the girl's self-esteem and how she fits in.  I wanted to hug her, but I didn't dare.  She just say me as a Lifelong Skinny Bitch, not someone who had been there/done that.  And I didn't think there was anything to say that would have made it any easier. 

On a more upbeat note, I updated my photos with some stuff from last month.  Yeah!

Six month surgiversary

Oct 01, 2008

OK, it's my six month surgiversary.  I let hubbie take some underwear pictures when we were out for a couple's massage that night.  I have similar underclothes pictures of me the day before surgery.  I'm feeling good, I can eat most of what I want.  I can have small amounts of sweets when I really want them.  When I keep my protein up, I loose weight better.  I'm a size 8 right now, and not a tight 8, either.  I weigh 141 lbs. today.  Six months ago on surgery morning I weighed 217.  Last Christmas when I decided to start on this journey because I was ready to do something drastic - I was 240lbs. 

So, my so far, I've lost 99lbs so far total.  76lbs since surgery.  I was size 22 before, then at surgery date an 18.  I've never, my whole adult life, worn a size 8.  Till now.  I enjoy exercise - running, weight lifting, yoga.  I really enjoy running for the bus with the kids if we're late in the morning. 

I cook even more than ever.  I now send the kids with really nice lunches and often cook breakfast.  I don't eat what they do all that often.  About half the time we eat the same thing.  The other half I either make something completely different, or I make minor varietions to make it more post-WLS surgery-friendly. 

I like my sense of style.  I'm figure out what I look like and how I want to present myself.  I can't yet afford to have my look fully reflect my personality the way I want it to, but it's a little-at-a-time thing.  Besides, doing it a little at a time keeps me looking foreward enthusiastically. 

As for weight re-gain, I'm only six months out.  I don't even think I'm done with my initial weight loss yet.  I can eat small amounts of unhealthy, but not much and I'm getting in the habit or charting it all and making it work in my eating plan for the day.  Exercise helps me keep my stress down the way food used to.  I don't really miss anything food-wise.  I'm amazed I can look at a dessert and not have any emotional reaction.  My thought process has changed.  I used to be very obsessed and now it's kinda of "Oh, right.  I remember that.  Huh.  Moving on."  It's such an amazing blessing.  It's like someone immediately removing a paralying addiction, with no side effects and very little withdrawl or pain.  So much easier than I would have ever thought.  

So, that' me.  And my six month check up.  I'll try to blog more often but I'm finding as usual that I tend to more a lurker than a poster.  I've changed alot, both physically and emotionally, but the real me underneath is still there.  A little stunned, but still shy, quiet, lonely at times and a little clumsy.   

20 weeks out

Aug 08, 2008

Bunch of changes.  I'm just starting my second stall.  I'm down too 151lbs.  I can run again.  I've done by second 5K yesterday.  I do yoga and while my balance is terrible my body let's me into whatever positions I am capable of.  It's not a matter of my fat getting in the way anymore.  I have alot of loose skin, but it doesn't but me that much yet.  I'm loosing alot of hair.  So far it's been completely worth it.  Like so many other people have said "My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner". 

So far I've lost a total of 89lbs.  Since surgery I've lost 66lbs.  My goal was 140lbs but since I'm only 11lbs above that and I'm not even 5 months out, I decided to change my goal to 133lbs.  To have a "normal" BMI I would need to weigh 132lbs or less.  The average American woman my age weighes 133lbs.  So I think having a goal of a "normal range BMI" is a good goal for me.  Which is 105lbs-132lbs.  I would NOT do 105lbs well at all, I'm big boned and naturally a short but broad person.  So I don't do THIN.  But I'd like to be a "normal" BMI, so I guess I'm shooting for the upper end of the BMI range.  So I changed my online goal to 132lbs but I'd be happy with anything in the high 120s to the high 130s. 

So, that's how it's been so far.  I need to upload some more pictures.  Next week we go to Water Country on Tuesday unless it's raining all day so then I'll put some bathing suit almost-5-month pictures up.  I'm starting my second stall, but I know from the last one that even if my weight stays exactlly the same for three or four weeks, eventually it will move again and when it does it goes FAST.  Like stair steps.  So even if I loose nothing for a month, I could still have a significant loss when it finally passes.  Besides, it will take as long as it takes.  I'm sure I'll get there.  I'm focused more on working out, running, muscle, and fitness than the numbers of the scale.  I'm going to focus on running  better, building muscle tone, developing good, supportive habits and good bariatric eating habits (water, protein first, vitamens).  So that's what I'll focus on durring the stall and it will all take care of itself. 

Time slips by...

Jul 26, 2008

Dang, I just wrote for 20min, and then the whole post vanished.  And it's way after my bed time.  How totally annoying.  I guess I'll update you all next week instead. 


Two and a half months

Jun 16, 2008

Well, now I'm two and a half months out.  For the most part I feel really good.  I've started running again.  I lift weights twice a week.  I'd still rather not bother to eat, I'm not hungry, it's a hassle and sometimes it leaves me feeling too full/bloated.  But I do it because I'm trying to stay as healthy as possible and be REALLY compliant as a patient.  

I've lost 49lbs since surgery (72lbs total) and have only 28lbs to go to meet my goal of having lost 100lbs.  

More importantly, I've signed up for a road race in three weeks.  My goal is to make a 12min/mi. pace throughout the 5K (3.2mi.).  Suprisingly, my teenage son voulenteered to run it too.  So we are going to run it together, although we'll both go our own speeds and just start together and meet up at the finish line.  He can run twice as fast as me and I'm happy to just let him go ahead and do that.  

My face has changed.  Sometimes people don't recognize me.  Oddly, my thighs are shrinking the least so my stomach and thighs are different sizes.  So my jeans are either really tight in the thigh or more likely need a belt at the waste so I don't show any "plumber crack" when I sit on the floor or ground.  I'm shrinking more in the upper body - I wear a 38C bra instead of a 42D.  But I suppose it will all catch up eventually.  

I think I'm going to have a loose skin flap at the bottom of my butt and a significant amount of extra skin at my lower stomach.  But I am planning on plastics at 12-18months out, so I know it's not forever.  I'm waiting until I'm SURE I'm done loosing and I maintain the same weight over a period of 3 months, at least, before I look into the plastics end of thing.  Plus everyone says to wait AT LEAST 12, often even 18 months.  

Besides, I'm still 28lbs from goal, so I still have work to do now, and I'm really not very far out at all yet. 

Variety IS the spice of life.

Apr 14, 2008

Breakfast - shake.
Lunch - shake.
Dinner - shake.

In between - water, water, water, vitamins.  

Ah, I am such a gourmand these days!!! 

Cabbage or Little Chunks of Me

Apr 06, 2008

My husband finds this a disgusting topic, but...  

I was re-hospitalized for two days (bizzare freakish minor problem) and durring that time I had Nothing By Mouth orders (ie. no water, ice, nothing) and an IV.  And for those two days I didn't poop a poop color like you would if you digested food, but rather a whitish cabbage stuff.  And I realized, hey, that's me digesting my stored fat for metabolism and sending out the leftovers.  So essentially, that is peices of me.  And I'm a whitish color and look like cabbage.  

How very odd.

I have since noticed this often.  Sometimes when I've been digesting food (or rather, a protein drink since I'm very new post-op and don't eat any "food" yet) I poop brown.  Other times when I have not been eating recently, it's just white.  Just peices of me.  That I poop out.  What a very odd notion.  This is what the weight loss is from.  You have to burn it and some gets processed.  It doesn't just evaporating, you actually send it through the system.  I doesn't weird me out, but it is, uh, a strange thought. 

Home again

Mar 28, 2008

Everything went well, as expected.  I'm very tierd, but I'm only three days post-op so I am guessing that it is what it is and it's gonna take time.  I missed my dog.  Sometimes I missed my husband.  I thought I missed my kids till they kept fighting on the ride home.  Then I realized I missed them at their best, but not so much at their worst. 

The only thing right now is that I'm ITCHY on my stomache where they holes are and obviously, no scratching allowed.  ARG.  Ah well, I'll probably fall asleep in about ten minutes anyway and I am sure over time the itchys will go away too.  Just have to keep telling myself to leave them alone! 

Tick, tick, tick...

Mar 22, 2008

OK, two more days.  Tommorrow is eat light day.  The  next day is fasting.  Then it's surgery and most likely very early in the morning (arrive at 7am).  

Hubbie has been sick for quite awhile.  Now he's also got conjunctivitis (pink eye).  He had a bad cold & sinus infection, etc.  Now it's the eye.  I was hoping at this point to be focusing on me and what I still need to do, as well as going over the family's schedule while I'm in the hospital.  But he's not up for it.  Tuesday I'm going for surgery NO MATTER WHAT.   And they will just have to figure it out for themselves.  *shrug*

Off to bed.  Hope I can sleep.  I can hear the time pass - tick, tick, tick... - but not fast enough.  Waiting is hard.  Waiting without being able to talk to DH about it and still being "in charge" and the person who has to handle the brunt of the work is annoying.  I am packing tommorrow.  Right now I think I will miss the dog more than anyone else while I am in the hospital.  :-)

About Me
Rochester, NH
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 16
Clothes shopping
Six month surgiversary
20 weeks out
Time slips by...
Two and a half months
Variety IS the spice of life.
Cabbage or Little Chunks of Me
Home again
Tick, tick, tick...
