Has it really been this long!

Mar 06, 2009

OMIGOSH! I did not realize it was OCTOBER the last time I posted. The last few months have been Hell. I've been so incredibly depressed and the last thing on my mind was doing something about my obesity. But after counseling, new meds and lots of support from family and friends (Thank you Karen!!) I'm baaaaacckkk.

My mom signed us up for Weight Watchers last night. We're going to do it together. I'm much more motivated now that Mom is depending upon me not to waste her money and to keep her motivated. Sure, it's feeding my codependent nature, but hey, maybe this is a healthy codependency this time? So today was my first full day on WW and I did really well. I'm proud of me!


About Me
Lake Wylie, SC
Aug 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 7
Moving....but Wrong Direction!! :o(
It Moved!
The scale is STUCK
Still Inspired
Mad as Hell with ME
