Cheryl A.
3 months out........
Jun 25, 2007
Just an update....
May 28, 2007
Today is May 28,'07 (2 months out on the 22nd)
Hey to all!!! Just thought I'd add an update......well I am officially 2 months out and I guess things are going good! I am getting all my protein down and all my vitamins in (and I know that is a good thing) my weight is down 39 to 39.5 lbs. and I know I should be very glad (but I'm not really) for the past couple of weeks I have only lost very little 2lbs last week and 3/4 of a lb. this week (and I am very peeved to say the least) I expected better results!!! I mean after all I took a drastic measure and I expect drastic results!!
I know that I feel better and that should be enough to be happy about and my knees dont hurt like they used to (I am glad about that) but sometimes I cant help but feel like I must be crazy! Ya know?!! and I have done really good about getting all my protein , I mean I get between 60-90 g everyday! plus my food (not that it is much but I still get it)
And ya know they say sweets will give you problems....well not me!! My surgeon done such a good job I dont have problems eating anything!! lol Nothing!! I havent had dumping, or sickness or anything except the occasional pain from eating to fast...and even though on one hand I am soooo very glad but on the other if I had even a little problem I wouldnt want to try anything I shouldnt!! I dont eat alot of things I shouldnt but sometime I do....sometimes I feel like I cant take it anymore...oh well
I have reved up my I walked 1.6 mile then done 5min on the eliptical, arm exercises with the bands and 30 ab exercises on the ab I am going to try this everyday until next monday in hopes that I will lose more than a pound or 2.....WISH ME LUCK see all then.....
THANKS for all the info!!
Jan 24, 2007
Just want to say thanks!! to everyone who has offered advice support and just a little info....A spevial Thanks goes out to Sharon.T!!!! Thank you !!! I really love this website!! I still have many Q's but they are definetly getting answers one by one, and for that I am grateful!!! THANKS again to everyone!!!!!