Aug 06, 2008

This is soooo exciting! I have a date for the lap band surgery. It's August 26th at Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay, Oregon. I'm so excited, nervous, anxious about all this that I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping at night now. This is what I've been hoping for and now it's here. The 26th is just 4 days past my 62nd birthday, so I'm considering this a birthday present to myself! My husband, sons and even grandchildren (who are very young) are excited for me. I start my liquid protein shakes next week, two weeks prior to the surgery, then continue on them for 4 weeks post op. I know this will be a challenge, but there are so many folks rooting for my success I know I'll do fine.
Oh, one more thing, this website, OH, is quite something. It's become my new addiction. I am so moved by the stories and pictures I've seen on these pages. We are all sisters and brothers of the flesh...so much flesh, for so long. Our journeys have been different yet so similar. We all share in the discovery of this amazing medical advancement and the treatment of obesity as the disease it is...not the lifestyle or the lack of willpower.
So, off I go now to the "other side" of this process. Thank you all who add to this site for your support...even though you're unaware of how you've touched my life.

My Journey

Jul 11, 2008

June 30, 2008: met with Dr. Tersigni and staff (love them!) and he'll do the procedure as soon as I get insurance approval! He and I have discussed this before and now he feels, due to some medical necessities, that this is the way to go. I've already done my psych eval and it went great. I'm going to see that therapist (Gayle Goldblatt) for more sessions...I need it and she's a doll.
July 10, 2008: got the call from Mindy at the bariatric office that I've been approved (BC/BS CA.) pending the dietician's report! This is so great!
July 11, 2008: Have an appt. with the dietician at Bay Area Hosp. on July 17th at 9:45 a.m....have it circled in RED on my calendar. I'm bringing her my Curves attendance records and my most recent WW records, just in case. I'm prepared, that's for sure!

About Me
North Bend, OR
Surgery Date
Jun 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 2
My Journey
