velvet W.
Jan 16, 2010
Wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone. It has been crazy here and hopefully this year will be better than last year.
I have stayed foccused on my goals for weight loss. It has been realy hard though. I want more and more off, I dont see myself as others see me. I have told my doctor and others at the office. I now am supose to maintain my weight and find suport group ok makes since. But, now i sit back and think am i just crazy, maybe just denial! i dont know has any one been though this. Also, dose anyone know of a good plastic surgent the doctor has sugested this. I have made my goal weight plus more starting at 274lbs now at 147lbs that 127 ponds gone. Yes, I feel much better. I just want to feel good about myself and the fat girl gone that I see in the mirro. Any help would be great!
Sep 05, 2008
Jul 14, 2008
Well for the last week we have been fixing up the house. I found my dream house! Now I am sick and it sux. I hate being sick! Well I dont feel real well and I am going to rest.
Take care all,
Jun 29, 2008
Weekend was good I went through the boys draws. cleaned up the house.
well thats about it.
Jun 26, 2008
Well I woke up and of corse I am tired rand my oldest to summer school. Before long I will be taking our youngest to the doctors for his physical.Wow! and the day has just be gone.
I feel ok about myself today not as well as yestorday but I wont complain.Today is Friday YEAH!! I hope to have a productive weekend but, it is supose to rain which realy sux but, we need the rain so the crops to grow I guess I should say fields to grow (grass). The horses need to eat too....
Well thats about it for now.
Take Care, ~V
Jun 25, 2008
Woke up in a good mood. Thank goodness! I hope that with the warm tropica weather like this will keep me in the good mood that I need to be in.
Went to the local restrant this morning got a cup of coffee to go I have not been in their in awhile when a guy that I know said wow I did not reckonnize
who you were being thin. Now mind you I am not thin I am not at goal yet. But it did make me feel good. But. Yet did not know what to say besides I am not thin. I guess my insercities popped out. I feel bad for saying it that way. I am just not use to that kind of comments.
Jun 25, 2008
Well I guess their is hope for me. I went to the doctor yestorday I got 1 more cc in my band. I have lost 13lbs in 35 days yeah!! I now need to reach 200lbs then I wont be considered obesed just over weight. This has been a long journey one that I have questioned myself many times wondering if I choose the right surgery. I believe that I have choosen the right one for me.
It has been much work and dedication as many know. I still have issues with myself esteem good days and bad days. I have been told this is normal and to talk to others with WLS. So now I plan to post as much as I can even if its one word that describes how I feel.
Today I feel good about myself. I hope that everyone feels good about yourself not just today but everyday!
Take care,
Jun 22, 2008
I have just relized I have not been on for a long time. I hope that everyone is doing well. The weather here is has been very warm with thunder storm kinda strange weather. But, all well.
I go for a fill tomorrow so, I hope that my scales have not lied to me. some tomes they worry me. I dont feel that I have lost enough weight since my lst fill. I feel as if I am tring to control my issues with weight loss by always jumping on the scales then is the number havent moved I am so, down on myself. I stayed at 222lbs for the longest time. my scale says 218lbs but I dont trust it so I say 219lbs just to be safe.
I have been busy with outside stuff fixing and cleaning up. the fun things in life. hahaha.... no I do enjoy going outside though and workingin the yard. My husband and I have been talking about selling our house and moving to the country. Which, will make me happier. But anyways. I am kinda scared going tomorrow due to I was to keep track of the food that I was eating But, I didnt
Ok I was busy. well I gotta go bed time. Take care everyone
May 19, 2008
They are a bit tight but hopefully they will be lose in a month or two. I go back in July unless I need to a fill.
Take care, Velvet
May 17, 2008
Taken today 5*17*08 weight @ 230lbs. I will be getting my third fill monday!