I am a 30 yr. old Nurse with 2 wonderful little boys! Keegan is 3 and Caleb is 5 & they are the loves of my life. I have been married to my hubby Chuck for six years but we have been together for 10 yrs....Time flys, although it has not always been fun nor easy. I am getting my weight loss surgery for me. I am done having children & it's time to get me back! Although i have never been "skinny/thin" I am tired of being the fat girl w/ a pretty face! I wanna ride motorcycles, amusement rides & just to live my life to its fullest!! I am tired of going out and feeling like I cannot have a good time because everyone is staring at me for my weight, or why are all those pretty girls w/ her?, or her husband is too attractive for her. Im tired of having these thoughts and I am just so ready to move on to the next phase of my life!! I have a very supportive family and In-Laws, however, alot of friends do NOT agree w/ me having this, but I'll show them I can do it and I'll be successful. Im tired of seeing all the before & after photos of people wishing it were me....I have never been successful enough to have an "AFTER" photo, so I am waiting for my moment to shine!!

About Me
Wyandotte, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2009
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