July 11, 2009

Jul 11, 2009

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far.  It sure is going by fast!  It is hard to believe it is the middle of July already!  Ugh!

Ok...I now have a pet peeve about the surgery.  I guess I shouldn't and it certainly does help me to stay in check but I am starting to get just a little peeved at family functions having everyone watch every bite that goes into my mouth.  It seems I am under constant scutiny and it is driving me crazy!!!!  My brother is the main one that is doing it and I am about ready to choke him for it.  Is anyone experiencing this?  The very first bite that goes into my mouth...a healthy one at that I might add, and the first words out of his mouth everytime is "So...you are eating more now, huh?"  Well, yes I am....I am 1 1/2 years out and can eat a cup of food.  What is the issue?  Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! 

Ok, now that I have gotten that off my chest....lol!

Dave and I are both doing very well.  We are enjoying life in a way we never thought possible and it saddens me to think of all the time we lost in life being heavy.  We had no idea what all we were really missing!!  Seems that time just flies by and there isn't enough time to do all that we want to do.  Probably not such a bad thing as we certainly couldn't afford to do it all anyway!  LOL!

Well, I am off to try to get something done around the house on one of our few times that we are actually at home and not running.  Enjoy your weekend!


About Me
Enola, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2007
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