Iron deficiency and now iv transfusions start on Dec. 29 @ 8:45

Dec 21, 2009

Dec. 17th I had my 6th month check up (6 months would really be on 12/29- isn't that ironic!).  I lost 20 lbs since my last visit and 15 of those lbs was fat.  So that was good, but I could have done even better if I was eating more.  Had my labs done and got the call yesterday 12/21/09 from my bariatic doctors office.  My iron level is a 5 and the range is 15 minimum and 55 max.  So I don't remember anything else that she said about it, just that I had to have these iv iron transfusions.  I did write down that I need more protein and I need more Vit. d-over the counter. 

Then she said I would need to go there-Pinehurst-which I like, but it is  1 hr and 15 mins away.  So I had to find a Hematologist in my area, which I did and they are in network.  I was also told that I could have as many as 7 in a row, but the facility would really determine that. So I go on the 29th.  

Now let me say that I was freaking out.  First, because I thought I was doing everything right, taking the Vitamins eating and exercising.  So here I am at work and I just couldn't take it-so I started crying.  Our offices here have no privacy at all the walls are glass with a solid wood door.  I usually go behind the door, but I just couldn't move.  So I compose myself and start doing research.  Got the energy to post on the BAF board and I am thankful to those folks there!  I got some really good responses and info.

I am in a much better state of mind and know that i can handle this.  I have a list of foods that are high in iron and will taylor my meals so that I am using them in my meals more.  I went to prayer meeting yesterday night and that was helpful also.  I know that with God I can do all things and I can do this.  He has gotten me through all of this so far and I know he will continue with me on this journey.

I'll let you all know what happens and give an update on the 29th-all depending on how I feel afterwards.
Merry Christmas to all my WLS friends and to all some great protein!  LOL



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