Charles S. 19 years, 6 months ago

Hey Renee Heres wishing a speedy recovery your way Miss ya on the boards Chuck

flowergirl810 19 years, 6 months ago

Hi Renee, We miss you!! Sending you {{{BIG HUGS}}} & wishes that you feel better soon! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. ^j^ Denise :)

joanne from ky 19 years, 6 months ago

Renee, I'm praying that everything continues to progress and that each day gets a little bit better for you. Hugs, -joanne s

Melissa Mermaid 19 years, 6 months ago

Lots of hugs and prayers that everything continues to progress and you're smiling your way through the new year. We miss ya, Sweetie ... Can't wait 'til you're able to cavort with us again!

tammym 19 years, 8 months ago

Renee- Welcome to the other side! I hope you are feeling better now. You will be back on your feet running around in no time! Tammy

Donna C. 19 years, 9 months ago

I called Renee this past weekend. She did not know when she would be going home at that time. She was in some pain and was dizzy. Is retaining quite a lot of fluid that from what I read, she will get rid of and have a good weight loss. She was on morphine and a little "out there" which I am sure is what it does to you. Have never had it, so don't know. She is so far away from the hospital that I am sure they want to keep her until sure she will be ok. And she does not have anyone there at home either. She had been visited by Nancy and Jeannie was trying to get through also. Keep her in your thoughts.

Dinka Doo 19 years, 9 months ago

Renee - Extra prayers going up for you today. Ginger has kept us updated on the Oregon board and I hope you have a speedy and uneventful recovery! Girl, you're on the losing side now!!!

Donna L. 19 years, 9 months ago

Hi Renee, Just want to wish you a safe & uneventful surgery & Welcome you to the new side of Happiness. Take Care of yourself & we are all here for you.

Darvin 19 years, 9 months ago

Renee i'm keeping you in my heart and prayers, that all is going well and you have a speedy recovery. Take care (((hugs)))

PixieButterfly2005 19 years, 9 months ago

Renee got all checked in and her meds taken care of. They decided her surgery might take longer then expected so they have moved her up from 11am to 9am. When I know more I will let you know.
About Me
Springfield, OR
Surgery Date
Apr 12, 2004
Member Since
