Naes Wls J. 20 years, 11 months ago

Best wishes to you on getting through your wls approval process. May you have a short wait and a approved one. Hang in there and stay focused and positive.**hugs**

Debbie W. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi Susanna, It sure sounds like you have Plantar fasciitis to me. I am not Diabetic, but I've had horrible heel pain for years. I did have relief from it after going to a good Chiropractor, and she did some soft laser treatments, acupuncture, I got some good orthotics for my shoes and I started doing good stretching. That helped for a few years but then it came back. I sought all kinds of treatment and nothing would help. The real reason for all of the pain was my increased weight...I was all the way up to 370! Yeoww! Anyway, I had my surgery on 2-24-03 and I was really afraid to stop taking all of the Advil that I was taking, but my surgeon made me stop two weeks before the surgery. I haven't taken one since! My biggest fear was that my heel pain (both heels) was going to prevent me from starting a good walking program which I knew would be crucial for my weight loss. I guess God was with me bigtime because I have not had a problem at all with the heel pain! Right away after surgery I could walk 20 minutes or so and I'm up to 45 mins every single day! I am now down 88 lb and I still have 112 to go to goal, but the difference in how I feel is just phenomenal! I'm so sorry you have the bad pain cuz I know how awful it is! Some of those things, like good support shoes and good orthotics and stretching, continue to be important, but nothing helped like taking some of the weight off! Good luck on your journey! You just won't believe how much better you will feel! Best wishes, Debbie Wittig Lap RNY 2-24-03 370/288/170

Dr.Marcy 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi Susanna, The pain in your heel may be from excess weight or from heal spurs. I am diabetic and have not had any foot problems caused by the diabetes, but have had many from my weight. I actually had intense pain in my heels until I had an accupuncture treatment 2 years pain since. So, call you PCP or whoever is your diabetes MD and check it out. Don't stess too much and ahve a beautiful day!!

MommaAngel 20 years, 11 months ago

HI SUSANNA I just want you to know that I am praying that everything will go smooth as you journey to the losing side. LORD BLESS
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Houston, Tx
Jun 25, 2003
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