I Hate my Swimsuit... Hate is such a Strong Word!

Jun 20, 2011

Man, I really wish I knew how to use a Serger Sewing Machine!  The thought of buying another swimsuit, while losing weight, is just cheesing me!  I know, cheesing is probably not a word, so I won't attempt it when I play Scrabble, but I do attempt to use less vulgar words -- cheese, hmm, might be vulgar to some on this site...

Anyhow, I am getting ready for my daily swim, and I really have grown to (sigh) hate the two swimsuits I have been wearing.  They are loose, ugly, faded, and frankly I just do not like them any longer.  My mother used to say, "Brenda, we do not HATE anything, we DISLIKE..."  Well, I have an extreme DISLIKE for the two swimsuits I wear for my workout!

Truth be told, I have other suits, I am just not sure if they fit.  I have been going through so many clothes, I have put them somewhere I just cannot remember!  I have a sewing room slash office - I write "slash" instead of the symbol because I am allowing my teen aged daughter to use the office - and it makes me see SLASH -- as she never seems to keep my workspace clear of her stuff!  Anyhow, that also brings me to part of my "clear the clutter" campaign... Anyone looking for sewing patterns?  I have a bunch - some listed on Photo Bucket - as I was trying to sell them on Craigslist - http://s1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd446/seattle_maui/

It amazes me how I could misplace an entire bag of clothing - which contained some sexy intimate apparel and of course three of four swimsuits.  Someday, hopefully while they might still fit, I will find this bag.  Maybe the weight loss gnomes are hiding it?  Well, I should stop belly aching and just go swim.  Sigh, I need a sunny day!  Seattle, the land of the INDOOR pool...  Stay positive - even when it feels difficult to!

Brenda : )~

