Not feeling it

on 12/11/11 2:23 pm - Memphis, TN
I go back to work monday morning, and i'm not feeling great about facing everyone. i haven't done well with weight loss. i haven't gotten in all my protein once since surgery. i eat small, and get in all my fluids, but, it seems like i'm not getting anywhere. i stopped unjury protein the first week of my surgery because the gas pains were so trecherous, but, i didn't resume, because i didn't feel well. I haven't excercised 30 min a day yet, because I've been so tired.  I haven't had much of an appetite either. i didn't do this surgery for anyone but me, but, dealing with the world regarding my body is not a good feeling.
(deactivated member)
on 12/11/11 2:56 pm
What are you eating?  I was still on liquids (soup, protein, etc.) at your stage.
on 12/12/11 12:47 am - Memphis, TN

Im able to eat pureed foodsas of today... fish, beans, et****il January 11th. have been on sof foods for a week, after a week of liquids.


today i am trying to make a concerted effort to get in all needed protein. i started with a shake with w cups skim. I'll try that this week. hopefully that willhelp. 

on 12/11/11 6:28 pm
Adjustable Gastric Band on 11/10/11
Hello. I understand how you feel. The world expects rapid weight loss after the surgery, and it isn't happening for me either. I will get my first fill before Christmas, I hope it helps. I have been exercising every day, and eating right. I was told to give it some time. I hope that it works better for you. I know it is frustrating. Michelle.
on 12/11/11 7:40 pm - FL

I'm smiling as I read your post, not because I don't feel for you, but because I'm thinking that there were not many of us who were this early out that did not have the same problems.

In my opinion, it takes time to heal and get to where you need to be with regard to getting all your proteins and liquids in.  In fact, you're doing much better than I did this early out.

With regard to the tiredness, this will also dissipate after a little more time.  I want to say it took me about 6 to 8 weeks before I finally began to feel like I had any real energy.

As difficult as it was, I think the thing that actually helped me was going back to work.  Though I was dog tired, I was forced to focus on something other than how out of sorts I felt, and before I even realized it, I  was up and running at maximum capacity and have not stopped.

With regard to the exercise, what I did was get some walking tapes by Leslie Sansone and worked out right in my own living-room.

Her tapes are easy to do, yet I found that I got a great workout.

Remember, your body has had a major shock, so start small and build.  Do a little more today than you did yesterday, and before you know it you're going to be where you need to be.

Wishing you a successful journey!!
on 12/11/11 11:16 pm
You're two weeks out---you're SUPPOSED to feel like ****!

Don't worry about protein, either---at this point, fluids are your #1 priority. And exercize? Get real! No one feels like exercizing at this point.

As for weight loss---most people come home from the hospital weighing as much as 20 pounds more than when they went in, due to the fluids they pump into you. Did you lose weight prior to surgery? If so, that too will make your immediate post-op weight loss slower.

Cut yourself some slack---you're doing just fine.
on 12/12/11 5:28 am - Raleigh, NC
You're two weeks out---you're SUPPOSED to feel like ****!

AMEN, MsBatt!!!!

To the OP, please be patient with yourself. Like one of the others said, most of us were in your shoes at your stage of the game. Your job right now is to finish healing, get your fluids in to prevent  dehydration, and slowly progress your diet. Speak with your surgeon/NUT about other good sources of protein that will not upset your system. And most of all, please give yourself a break. The weight will come off, I promise. Just give your body the time it needs to do what it's supposed to do.

RNY 10/19/09 - Revision to VSG 10/13/14 - Dr Paul Enochs 



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