kylakae 21 years, 1 month ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday! Today marks the anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on all your triumphs! I hope that you continue to be blessed by this surgery and that you are feeling great. May this next year be your best ever!!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Becca K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Nativegirl, You sound so disheartened right now. I know that this is a tough time for you. It seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Lean on us and let us be here for you. Please know that you can vent here and let it all out. That is one of the things that we are here for. If you need to talk, please reach out to us..Gentle Hugs...

Cherie L. 22 years ago

Native Girl, Thank you for posting on my site. God Bless and take care! Cherie

Jeanne C. 22 years, 1 month ago

Dear Native Girl, Hey girl, just wanted to stop by and tell you how proud I am of you and your weight loss. I haven't talked to you in awhile and have missed you. I am having an open RNY done this fri, may 10th!!! Kinda nervous, I am like you, i take care of myself, but thank GOD, you have the kids to help. You take good care and hope you have a speedy recovery, write when you can, Jeannie Cook

Lisa J. 22 years, 1 month ago

YOU DID IT !! I knew you'd come through - it IS one tough surgery, isn't it? I'm glad you posted when you did - I believe more people need to put both the positive and the negative - the good & the bad, it's how life really is, isn't it? Nothing in this life is just one sided. I've had you on my mind so I'm glad you posted. I wanted to tell you to ask your doctor about the doctor kept me on a mild antibiotic because of a slight wound infection but failed to tell me not to take it for an extended amount of period (like normal antibiotics). It started stripping away at my white blood cells and I had terrible diarrhea for four days. If you want, write me at: [email protected] for more info. but I was mainly just wanting to say WELCOME HOME !! - Sincerely - Lisa J. ~ () : )

Brandie K. 22 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on crossing over to the other side. I pray that everything goes well for you and that you have a quick and uneventful recovery.

Sharon Neva 22 years, 1 month ago

May you always have an Angel by your side. Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true. Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun. Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide. May you always have love and comfort and courage.

Rhia Drouillard 22 years, 1 month ago

<HTML><H3>Just spoke to Native Girl on the phone and she is out of the hospital and staying with her sister. The sister has been pushing water at her. :-) She's heading home here in a little while and says she's going in to see the doctor tomorrow because she's still having quite a bit of pain and her stomach is swolen. Her sense of humor is back because she said she was probably the first person to have WLS and come home weighing more than when they went in. :-) Keep praying that she doesn't have an infection brewing in there. She said she would try to get online tonight for a while. Wahoo! She's on the other side! Way to go Girl!</H3></HTML>

Lisa J. 22 years, 1 month ago

YOU DID IT, Girlfriend !! ::::woohoo::: Write me as soon as you get a free chance - I'm really, really proud of you. I KNEW you'd be here...I just knew it. :) We'll do this thing together ! :) Sincerely ~ Lisa Jordan

Rhia Drouillard 22 years, 1 month ago

Wahoo! Just spoke to Native Girl on the phone. Her surgery went off without a hitch. She's very thursty but is limited to ice chips only. She says she actually feels hungry because she hasn't eaten in two days. She hasn't been out of bed yet either but expects to get up in the morning for her first walk. Her voice was cutting out because her throat was so dry so that's all the longer we could talk. But she's on the other side! Wahoo! Native Girl is now a looser! :-)
About Me
Downriver area, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2002
Member Since
