Christopher Kaczmarski

"Dr. Kaczmarski seemed very nice and understanding. His staff was very helpful nd friendly, and VERY supportive. I really don't know alot more, but I will be able to tell you more after my surgery! (Which by the way---I CAN'T WAIT!) Now that I have had surgery, I can't say enough good things about Dr. Kaczmarski! He was very thorough and even fixed a stomach hernia that I didn't know I had and told me that he also found a cyst on my ovary, for me to call my gynecologist! He was very helpful in answering any and all questions nd came to visit me every day in the hospital, always smiling and patient with me. He and his staff sent me flowers in the hospital, which I thought was very nice. His hospital staff was WONDERFUL! The sweetest gentlest and kindest nurses I have ever seen! My entire experience was so positive that I will never be able to thank Dr. Kaczmarski or his staff enough. "
About Me
Blanchester, OH
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2000
Member Since
