Cinna G. 21 years, 11 months ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthy and happy. Please drop by and update your profile from time to time so that others can share in your wls experiences. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

teresa C. 22 years, 7 months ago

nov.2, 2001 hello all... mr zullo emailed me and said it was time for an . i agree. i am doing pretty good. last appt. was a few weeks ago and i am down 80 lbs .i dont get on the scales at home. i am happy i dont have to crush my meds anymore. now i cut them in half. i am still doing the chewables. but i ill buy adult vitamins tomarrow. i still cant drink the protien. every now and then i eat half a slim fat bar for added protien and vitamins. i eat egg beaters and tuna for protien also. i am having a little hair loss but nothing to worry about. i have very thick hair so i can stand to lose eating is good. i try to eat healthy foods. i still dont want or crave sweets. but i do have to have a coke every now and then but i cant stand it in diet. i also drink diet squirt and decafe iced tea with sweet and low... and GOOD NEWS !!!! i can finally drink water again. it no longer makes me sick.. i am glad. my menstral cycle comes on time every month now. that is new for me... my energy is usually thru the roof. i feel very good. i am very glad i had surgery. i only wish i would of done it sooner. i feel so good. i am just swimming in my clothes. its kinda funny. i like them big on me for now. its a constant reminder that i am well i am due to be a grandma in april... i wa sshocked at first but now i am excited. i went baby shopping. i bout all the major stuff and all the basics. i only have a few minor things left that the baby will need. we did pretty good. i even got enough diapers to last a few months.. well to all those with surgery coming up i wish you the best.. it was alittle rough for me recouperating, but not for one minute do i regret having this done. i am sooo thank ful to GOD that he made this happen for me. my family is thankful too. i am involved in everyhting they do now. i have a blast with my daughters now and that was very important to me. i want to be involved... ot sitting in the side lines watching. i get alot of wonderful comments. i am on cloud nine when people comment on how well i look.i dont exercise every day but i do everynow and then and i walk 3 miles from time to time also. work is wonderful now too. and i havent snored in months !!!!!! and i dont have sleep apnea any more... gee... the benefits!!!!well everyone.. take care and GOD BLESS all of you! and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Theresa B. 22 years, 8 months ago

Congrats on your surgery. I am glad you are doing ok. I can't wait to get my date. am waiting for the first appt with the Dr. Hope you are melting off the lbs!!! Lots of Luck

teresa C. 22 years, 8 months ago

9/27/01... hello everyone. its been along time since i have updated. i have sooo busy. i am doing very good. as far as i am concerned. but i know i need to exercise alot more. every now and then i will walk about 3 miles. i am not even out of breath afterwards. my goodness my clothes are getting so big on me. i have losta total of 75 pounds so far. i ahve lots and lots of energy. no more shortness of breath. i can eat mostly anything. i dont eat sugar. i can but i dont. every now and then i may have a glass of coke. before surgery i had about 2 or 3 2 liters a day. big differance. i eat very small amounts. of food. if i eat at a fast fod restaraunt it is usually a few chicken nuggets. i have had a little ham burger from burger king a couple times. i do take off the excess bun. it fills me up. i am now lactose intolerant. and i cannot tolerate ANY of the protien drinks. i have tried soooo many. i give up. but i have seen my physicians and they have done my blood work and all is well. i dont eat fried foods either.i have no cravings now. and not to many foods apeal to me. i am thank ful for that. even smells of foods dont appeal to me.i can turn away from anything... and turn down anything. no prblem. sweets are part of history now. i bout a few pairs of shorts when i first started losing weight after surgery. but i found they were to big in no time. so i am not buying anything new for a while. its a waiste of money. i will definatly need a new winter coat. the leather coat i have is already wayyyyyy to big. by this winter, i will get such a draft it will blow me away. i will freeze to death. but i am going to wait til the last minute to get one that way it will fit longer. ohhhhh the life of a post op !!! lol i get alot of comments and compliments. it feels really good. my blood pressure is still alittle high. but i am off all of my pills. i just wear a patch . and i always take my chewable stomach doesnt really tolerate the crushed pills . they make me sooo sick. i have not vomitted at all ssince surgery. knock on wood. well anyone needing any info on the weight loss surgery please feel free to email me any questions and i will o my best toanswer them. i wish everyone the best of luck.... god bless and god bless america..... take care all !!!

AngelNTx65 22 years, 10 months ago

Teresa~I am so happy to hear you made it to the other side.Welcome to the "Loser's Club".Hang in there...things will get easier..I promise.Then you can really enjoy life as it was intended.Please keep us posted. God Bless~Kim

teresa C. 22 years, 10 months ago

7/20/01..hello all ! well yesterday i was 3 weeks post -op. i feel good. getting some nausea though. i think i am not tolerable to dairy as i was as a child. i grew out of it but i think surgery has reversed it. i cannot and do not drink any of the protien shakes. i cant help it. i try to eat as much protien as i can in a day though. i am eating pretty goo. a great variety of foods. i can even eat meat. i am buying t.v. dinners and eating little bits of them at a time. canned fruits, mottzeralla cheese, gator aid, puddings, pastas, soups, crackers and chhees, tuna salad, chicken salad, normally on a cracker. i am also eating eggs. i am still hooked on soda,so this is what i do to cope, i mix a very small amout of diet sprite with orange gator aide. i cant help it.. it actually settles my tummy really good. i drink alot of liquids.. and hey.. i have lost 550 lbs so far... can you believe it !! i feel much better. still healing and on medical leave from work. i miss work. i have been sleeping in my own bed now for a week. i am doing good with that. on monday i moved and i had a lot of help...two people in particular were so wonderful and i could never thank them enough...especially my father in law.. he has been a wonder ful help in helping me move. i am happy here .. my kids all have thier own bed rooms upstars and i have mine downstairs... my kids are practically glues to thier rooms .. they have cable so they no longer need they come down for food but thats it i am back to cooking again.. my family missed that.. i was so heavy it was such a chore and wore me out so my husband and oldest daughter did most of the cooking.. i am doing dishes and doing very light house work.. i feel great but i want to listen to the doc and not over do it. the only thing i regret about this surgery is not doing it sooner. the dietician says 5 weeks post op we can eat regulaly again.. of course i will never e able to eat much at a time. i tolerate sugar ok too. but i still try to keep my sugar intake very low... fats too. and no caffine. i have to admitt i did sip at my husbands coke a couple times.. i have not had any dumping syndrom. i think my tummy is made os iron...lo. well GOD BLESS all and take care.

teresa C. 22 years, 11 months ago

hello all it is july 9th . well today i went in for my first post op visit. i have lost 28 lbs. i am a happy camper! i am still doing the pureed thing but i am putting food chicken and such in the blender with potatoes. this morning i had scrambled eggs with cheese. i have had no nausea or vomiting. i am lucky i think. my hospitol stay was very unpleasant. surgery was fine although the lapriscopic took over 4 hrs. from what i understand it always does with dr. brody. i did not think it would take that long. it took over 11 hrs before they would let my husband see me. he was very upset. and they didnt have a bed for me .. i had to wait til very late at night to get a room. even though my surgery started at 7:30. there is more but i wont get into it. dr.brody did a good though. i am doing ok with the boost but i dont drink it as i should. and i hate the crystal light. i have tried them all. i do drink lots of water and juicy juice. i am eating alot of the baby foods too. well i have my birdie ankles back already and i am no longer short of breath with exertion. i have more energy too. its amazing what 20 LBS. can do huh? well that is all for no take care all and GOD bless

Kimberly L. 22 years, 11 months ago

Teresa had her leak test around 2pm and was waiting for results. I pray that all goes well. I called later in the eve but got no answer. When we spoke, she was mobile and was wanting the catheter out. That's always a good sign! She said she had a slight fever. Not good but hopefully nothing serious. I'll call her this morning.

Helen C. 22 years, 11 months ago

Hi Teresa, congrats on having your surgery! Hope your leak test if done and over with by the time you read this. Take care. Helen C

Kimberly L. 22 years, 11 months ago

I talked to Teresa this morning! She is doing fine. She was able to have the surgery lap and is very happy about that. Today she has her leak test. She's got some shoulder pain and numb fingers due to the gas. Other than that she sounds good. It turns out that she is in a room 2 doors down from where I was. Bummer that I was discharged! Oh well. I will give her a call this pm to see how the leak test went.
About Me
ashtabula, oh
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2001
Member Since
