March 29, 2006 Well today is my first day writing on my profile. For starters I have to say I am a bad speller. My name is Adam I am 6'1" weight is 310 and I am 28 years old My wife has been a part of this site for over 2 yrs. and had her surgary in Oct. of 05. She is doing so great and I love her so much. Having said that I went to my Dr. on March 28 and i got my date for surgary today. Can you belive that it is exactly 6 mo. from my wifes surgary. It is April 27th. I am getting a little nervious. So two weeks before I have to be on a sugar free liquid diet and the last two days have to be clear liquid. I 'm hoping that it won't be to bad. I know that my wife will be a big help.

April 2, 2006 Well lets just start off about what happened to me yesterday. I was on my way home from work and i was talking to my wife and she is telling me that i got a letter from the ins. company that after further review of your claim we are going to deny for your request forGBS. Well it being April 1 i kinda guessed that this was a joke. So i said yea right i don't belive you. Well when i got home there was a letter from the Ins. Co. telling me that they were going to deny me. i got a little upset because it said that one of the reasons was that i have not been overweight for 5 years. Well i have and the said i need to appeal it if i wanted to have GBS. Well a few min. went past and then my wife starts laughing. i said whats so funny. She said that i got you. I made the letter up and i got you. She found my letter of approvel and scaned it and found the same font and made up a really good letter. It looked so real. Well she got me good. Joke on me i guess.

Well 10 more days of normal good fat and greesy food! Start a liquid diet on the 13th. I really can't wait. I think i am getting sick of food. Marcia put a count down on the calader for me. Thats so sweet of her. I just want to say I love her so much. She has been so great with everything she does. She has my this process so easy for me. She is my inspration and couldn't do this with out her. Thanks Marcia! I Love you!

Monday April 10th. I have three more days till my SF liquid diet. Getting a little nervous. I hope it wont be to bad but in my head it seems like it will. My wife got me two water bottle to take to work so i can drink water when i get hungry. I still need to get used to the protine shakes. I like the clear isopure but that will be to much money right now! I am looking forward to the summer this year!!!! I hope i can lose quite a bit and will feel like playing and doing stuff with my family. In my head i always want to do stuff with themm but feel like i shouldn't because i am fat. I don't want to be the big guy anymore. I just want to run and play and have fun without thinking why is that fat guy doing that. I do't want being fat to hlod me back anymore. I guess the two weeks of liquids will be worth it!

Aprril 12th- Well I have ate my last candy bar and my last solid for for a long time! I start my two week liquid diet in the morning. I am ready! Tonight Marcia helped me with my plan on what to eat! Have I ever said she is Great!! Wel she is! I would be lying if i said i'm not nervous. But a good nervous if there is such a thing. I have been enjoying reading the boards over the last couple of weeks! I took my before pic's today! I'll say sorry in advance! I plan on putting them on here soon. I have told a couple of people at work that i am having the surgary! I have gotten a lot of questions. Well i will keep posting on my progress.

April 25th- Well today i started clear liquids! How fun! It hasn't been to bad! The full liquids went by really quick! I have TWO more days! I packed my bag today and i think i have everyt thing ready. I feel bad for Marcia though! She has to do a lot while i am at the hospital! I hope she will be ok! I have already lost 16lbs from being on liquids for two weeks! Thats great! Can't wait to lose more! I will write more when i get home Sunday or Monday! Wish Me Luck!

May 2nd- Well I had my surgery and everthing went great! It took a little longer because they had to fix my hiatal hernia. My stomach was way up in my esophagus (SP). Which is good for me because i have been dealing with sever heatburn for a very long time now. I was able to come home a day early and have been drinking and walking everyday. I have been getting 64 to 65oz a day of liquids. Still trying to get all of my protien in. I feel great and got back down to the weight I was before surgery. I gaind about 12lbs in the hospital. I want to Tell my wife that she has been so great through this process. She has been doing everything for everyone and i feel bad for her. I sent her flowers today because she is just the best and I LOVE HER WITH ALL MY HEART! Thank you Marcia for all that you do. I couldn't be here with out you!

The one ting I didn't do before surgery was make a list of the things i wanted to do when i lose weight so here they are

1. Be able to wear tight or fitting shirts!!

2. Be able to go to ceader point and fit into all the roller coasters.

3. Walk down the beach with my wife and not wear a shirt!

4. Not feel embarassed(SP) when i am at my kids school or pratice for being fat!

5. Be able to join a softball team with my wife.

6. Join a gym and be workout partners with my wife.

7. Just feel better about myself.

Well not a huge list but hope I can do them all!Will write later.

May 8th- Well it has been awhile and i need to catch up on a few things! Last Thursday I got my drain tubes out! That was fun. I had two in and they pulled them both at the same time! Talk about wierd! I am doing great I feel awesome! I am trying to walk on the tread mill everyday. Have been going to alot of softball and baseball games for my kids and feeling good about being there! I have lost around 28lbs. so far!!!! I started the 50 mile a month walk on the Men's board last week! Can't wait to get to 50! I think it should be easy! I have moved up to soft foods!!! I ate Wendy's chile yesterday and that was my whole day meal! I split it into two meals! Before i would have had a triple burger and the chile with fries! I can't belive that i got a meal for 2 bucks! I haven't really got sick yet I was uncomfertable once because I drank my protien shake to fast! I am looking forward to summer! I can't wait to go to the beach! Will write more later!

June 4th- Well it has been awhile and wanted to up date. I am down to 265 WOW i can't belive it! The scale is moving but i don't see much of a difference in my body. The only thing i do notice is that my clothes are getting bigger!! I am trying new foods now. Don't have a favoriet thing that i like yet! I still try to eat fast and get a little sick from that! I went back to work 3 days ago and that is going OK! Wish i could have stayed off more I REALLY liked the time off! Over all i feel great! My wife ran her first 5K yesterdy! I am so proud of her! I start training for mine tomorrow. I started up the gym with her also. i love going! Ifeel so good after i leave there! Well i will try and update more later.

June 26th- Well again it has been a long time since i have posted. I am now down 61lbs! I feel so much better! I enjoy going to the gym and working out with my wife! She helps me out so much! She look so good! If you haven't checked her profile out you should! She keeps me going ! Thanks Honey! I had my check up and everything lookd good so far! I don't get sick much unless i try stuff with milk in it! The Doc said that should go away in about six months. I have done two of the things on my list so far! I joined a gym and road rollercoasters with no problem! So i am on my way to a better healthy life!

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Here is the LOVE of my life! My wife Marcia.

Aug. 7th- Wow! What a ride! It has only been 3 mo. and I am down 85 lbs!!! I feel great and am looking forward to the rest of my life! I bought a size 34 I haven't wore a 34 in over 12 years if not longer than that! I had my check up with my doc and everything looks great. All my blood work came back o.k. Do far so good. My wife had a bowel obstruction after 9 mo! Here is a link to her profile if you want to read up about it.
She had to have emergancy surgery! It was scarry! She is better now still sore! We are planing her B-day party! She is turning 30. We rented a margaritta machine! Haveing 70 people over! Wish us luck!

Happy Birthday Honey! I LOVE YOU!

Aug 17th- Weighed in today i am down 90lbs! I weigh 221 can't belive it! Well we had Marcia's party and it was a really great time! Didn't have as many people we wanted but had quite a bit. She had a really good time. I am glad she deserves it! She is doing so good. She still keeps losing and getting new clothes! She looks great! She looked so good in her dress at her party!
Every one at work keeps telling me that i am losing to much weight! They freek out when i tell them that i want to lose 20 to 30 more pounds! I have been slacking off at the gym for the past month! I really need to get back. I went two days ago and it was fun to go but slacked off today! I think when the kids start school it will be alot easier. Well i have to go to work!

Aug. 29th Well the weight keeps coming off! I am now down to 214!! I feel good but still can't see it! I think it will take a long time for my head to tell me that i look good now! I still think that i am fat! I guess i am wierd! marcia still keeps losing! She look great! She started a job about a month ago! I am so happy for her! She hasn't worked in 7 years! She has taken care of me and the kids and now she is doing something for herself! Way to go Honey! I am having a hard time with not seeing her so much but will try harder everyday! I know she loves this job and will help her out everyday! The kids started school this week! All three are in school now! So today it is quiet and rainy at the house! I am board! I posted new pics today and put on some videos of me and Marcia shrinking! Hope everyone likes them!



Jan. 2- Wow!  I haven't wrot in a long time!  This are going good! I am at 176lbs. now!  That's a total loss of 135 lbs.  I can't belive it!  I feel great and I don't mind not wearing a shirt now!  That is wired to me!  Marcia is doing great!  She looks AWESOME!  She hits the gym everyday!  I wish i was a decated as her!  The family is doing good!  The kids don't even noticed that we look different!  THey must just get used to us!  Well will try to keep more up to date on this thing!  Happy New Year Everyone!

About Me
Valparaiso, IN
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2006
Member Since
