kate D. 21 years, 4 months ago

dear brenda,great site, and i am 1 yrs post ryn..down 72 lbs. but a fighting struggle for every pound now..would love to keep in touch with others in [email protected] kate dorn

Ginger Barkley 21 years, 10 months ago

I must say I love your profile the best!! It is so packed with info that I just printed it out so I could go back and reference it! I'm scheduled for Lap RNY on 9/11/02. Please keep up the good work with the great posts! Many Thanks!

BrendaSinger 22 years ago

Oh ma gosh...I almost forgot to mention that not only did I lose 58.5# but I have also dropped from a size 26 and or a 3X to a size 16 dress slacks and a large to x-large top depending on how it is made! I simply can't beleive the changes already. I no longer am having to shop in the plus size department and this feels fantastic! Let me tell you also...the sex department like I have heard so many other people comment on is sooooo true...just when you think things are great they get even better! My DH is having a ball with all the changes and says he notices almost daily now. Well I have rambled on long enough.

BrendaSinger 22 years ago

Hi Everyone. It has been a long while since I posted and I wanted to let you all know that I am doing great! I just updated my profile and my picturetrail page that is linked to my profile. I am now 3 months and 1 week post op and feeling great. I have lost 58.5 pounds and lots of inches. My chart has the details on my page. I am having trouble being able to eat meats of any kind. The diectian would like me to be able to eat a portion the size of a deck of cards and I am lucky to get in more than one or two small bites. They may be wanting to do an upper GI soon because it just feels like my stoma is a bit too tight. Other than that things are going very well and all my lab work so far is wonderful. I hope everyone else is getting along good. I miss the site but with my new found energy I just can't seem to sit at the computer very long these days. I do pop in from time to time though and I certainly think of you all often. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and thanks for all the emails you all have been sending me. Hugs and Kisses!

Laura A. 22 years, 3 months ago

I am doing great...my weight loss has slowed ..I am down to 215 and stuck there now...I think it may have to do with what I am eat..Seriously thinking of going back to the basic's , jello and soup etc....to see if that helps. Hope all is well with you, ttyl :-)

MICHELLE S. 22 years, 3 months ago

Brenda, I want to thank you for your prayers and information. You are more than an angel. Your page is really good. I will use all of this information to survive. Good Luck and you will be in my prayers as well. AMOS sisters for life! Chelle

Dolores M. 22 years, 3 months ago

Brenda, sounds like your doing great! It's really encouraging to me to hear how well your doing, hope I do as well. Also, wanted to thank you for your words of support, it really helps! Hugs to you, Dolores

Marla B. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi Brenda sooo gald to see you are at home and doing well. You are an inspiration. God Bless

Cassie W. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hello Brenda, Thank you for your email you sent me.I hope everything is going well for you! God bless you and good luck! Cassie Weedon

Barbara B. 22 years, 3 months ago

My apology for not being able to post. We are on the road & no computer! After talking with Brenda the other night, I must say she is doing really truly GREAT! Everything is staying down, the pain is minimal, she is walking & taking liquids, right on schedule! Everything is very good. The incision looks good. Her hubby is a dream helper. Keep it up Brenda! Barb B.
About Me
New Lebanon, OH
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I am 37 y/o and 4 ft 11.5 in. tall
10 Months postop in Cancun, Mexico on my first vacation! Feeling fantastic!
