May 10, 2008

Last month on April 5th, I celebrated my 2 years surgery anniversary...... I have lost alot of weight thats for sure. ;) When I started this journey I weighed 301 lbs. When I went into surgery I weighed 291 lbs. Today I weigh 118 lbs...... Unfortunately Im not at a healthy weight right now and my doctor is very concerned. My thyroid and pituitary gland is messed up , my blood work came back terrible, lacking B12, Potassium and Protein. I am already on A & D and centrum silver. I see the doc on thursday and we will discuss what I need to do next. I am back on my thyroid meds hopeing that will kick that up and am drinking ensure for the nutrients. I am aneroxic and malnourished at this point. I am 5 ft 6 and I should weigh at least 140 to even look good. I look terrible, bones sticking out everywhere. I have in excess of 20 lbs of excess skin, so if you take that away from weight, I am below 100 lbs. NO doc will touch the skin as it would make me way to underweight I am told..... Hopefully I will be able to turn this around, I will keep my profile updated as to whats happening. IF your reading this..............PLEASE eat and take you vitamins. Dont do what I did and get to thin, its very unhealthy my doc says, its bad on the heart, as bad or not worse than being overweight so, get to a normal weight and try to maintain it, DONT try to get to thin, its just NOT fun.... I am wearing sizes 2 and 3s right now, down from a 26/28....I felt alot better when I was at 140 and a size 6/8..but at that size i still saw myself as HUGE so I kept trying to lose more and more and now Ive lost to much.........and I am NOT healthy.

New weight tracker

Nov 17, 2007

19 months post op

Nov 08, 2007

Its been a while since I updated but I am doing well, I am maintaining at around 136 lbs, this is where I would like to stay. Its a comfortable weight for me and well within the normal bmi charts. Some say im to small but NOT...:). Wearing size 5/6 jeans, size sm/med tops. It amazes me to actually fit into these sizes but must say.........I LOVE IT. LOL


Jul 26, 2007

It has been over 15 months since my surgery, I am maintaining about 147 lbs. Size 8s. WOOOO HOOO

1 year anniversary

Apr 07, 2007

1 year has gone by since my bypass. What a year it has been. My starting weight on the day of surgery was 291, my weight today is 160. Its the sizes that totally amaze me, wearing some size 10s now in additon to some 12s that still fit and shirts from 3x to now wearing med/large, depending on the style. Hope to lose another 5 lbs then I am thinking about plastic surgery for my legs, they are pretty bad, have an appt schedule for may 31st about that. The best of luck to you on your journey.

10th month checkup

Feb 06, 2007

I saw my surgeon on Jan 30th for my 10th month check up. Another 6 lbs gone, My weight now is 169. I see him again on April 5th, for my 1 year check up , at this time we will hopefully schedule my arm surgery. Until next time, Good luck to you in your journey.

9 Month Check Up

Jan 08, 2007

Well my 9 month check up went fine, down another 7 lbs for a total weight loss since April of 116 lbs. I would like to lose another 15 or so bringing my weight down to 160, this might be unrealistic but I must say that if I dont lose any more weight, that will be ok with me too. I am comfortable at 175, I am comfortable in sizes 12 or 14 pants and Medium shirts. I still have alot of days where I just cant eat, or have a bad case of the foamies. I still have days I think I shouldnt of had this done. I still have bad blood work come back but am working on getting all the neccessary supplements and protein in. All in all, i am happy with my new tool. Best of luck to all in their journey.

8th Month check up

Dec 12, 2006

Had an ok 8th month post op check up. Down another 6 lbs. Total lost now is 109. WOOOOO HOOOO :)

7 months post op today

Nov 04, 2006

Saw my surgeon on thursday the 2nd and official weight loss since surgery is 103 lbs. 2 more lbs to lose to hit the overweight catagory. My surgeon told me when I get down to 160 he will start removing my excess skin. Hes guessing I have at least 30 lbs or will have 30 lbs of it to remove. My legs are terrible as that is where I carry most of my weight. I am still in size 16 mostly, some 14s. Tops size medium and large now. I did buy a new xl winter coat so heavy sweaters would be comfortable under it. Last year, I was wearing 3x and size 26/28 so big changes in sizes. Until next time, the best of luck in your journeys.

century club

Oct 23, 2006

I made it to the century club and got my card from annoyinglizard, did I mention, shes the best? :). It took me exactly 61/2 months to lose 101 lbs. WOO HOO. 4 more lbs and I will be in the overweight catagory, how exciting that is. Will update after surgeon appt on Nov 2nd, 3 days before my official 7 month post op date.

About Me
westminster, VT
Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 57

Latest Blog 19
New weight tracker
19 months post op
1 year anniversary
10th month checkup
9 Month Check Up
8th Month check up
7 months post op today
century club
