I have been over weight most of my life. I have thought about weight loss surgery for over a year now. Just kept praying and hoping to make the right decision. In May 2003 my mom had to have surgery. While I was in the waiting room a lady and her daughter came in. Her daughter was having a test done and after her daughter went back to surgery the mother reached over and touch my arm. She wanted to ask me something but was obviously very concerned about hurting my feelings or offending me (I assured her she was doing neither). And she asked me if I had ever thought about weight loss surgery (since that is all I had been thinking about and had just finished praying about it that morning, I told her that I had thought about it). She told me the only reason she asked is because she had had the surgery done. Well we talked for a few minutes more and then her daughter returned and she left. I never got her name but I know that God used her to help me know that I was making the right decision. So I started the process by getting my pysch evaluation, h-pylori test and my consultation done. I am currently waiting for insurance approval and then surgery. I can't wait. I am very excited and know beyond a shadow of doubt that I am making the right decision.
I had my surgery on
September 8, 2003. I went into the hospital on a Monday and went home on Wednesday morning. By the second week I was on a regular diet and have been able to eat or drink without any problems. I just had my first month check-up and am down to 402 from 438. At first I was disappointed that I wasn't below 400 until I realized I had just lost 36 pounds. This has been a great experience. I have had absolutely no complications or problems. I can't wait to see what the second month brings.


I am now four months post op and I feel great. I have lost eighty pounds. Used to wear a 6x top and now I wear 3x. I have one 2x sweatshirt that I can wear. It is so amazing. All of my blood work came back great and my cholesterol has gone from 236 to 139. I don't know what made me more excited the weight loss or the cholesterol loss. I work out with a trainer once a week and then foloow her program the other two days on my own. I never thought I would enjoy exercising but I really do enjoy it.


I saw my cardiologist today and was weighed. I've lost another 9 pounds so I only have another 11 to go to become a member of the century club. 438/349/180


Saw the cardiologist again today. My stress test was good. But the best news is I have now lost 110 pounds!!! I am so thrilled. 438/328/180


I have now lost 143 pounds. This is just so great. I never thought I could loose this much weight! 438/295/180


I really need to change this picture. I have lost 155 pounds. I wear a size XL shirt from a 6X and a size 24 jean. Before surgery there wasn't a jean big enough. I still exercise with my trainer and have added cardio three morings a week. So now I exercise six days a week. Hard for me to believe. Going from a couch potato to this. 438/283/180


I have lost 193 pounds! I am so excited. I only have to loose seven pounds to reach my next goal of 200. I had my tummy tuck, hernia repair and my arms done on
12-30-04. On 3-15-05 I had my arms revised and my leg liposuctioned to get them ready for skin removal in July. In July I will have the skin on my legs removed, back and butt lift. I am so happy with all the results of the weight loss and plastic surgery. I haven't been able to exercise since my surgery in December but I finally can start on the 26th of this month and I can't believe how much I am looking forward to that. 438/245/180




Stuck at 238. Probably starting exercising and the muscle weight is to blame. I am sure it will drop off soon. It always seems to. I will be having my final plastic surgery on July 19th. I am having my inter and outer thighs done, my back, and sides. I have my pre-op appointment Monday and July 19th seems to be coming pretty fast. I feel so much better now from my other surgeries have all my energy back that I'm not looking forward to not feeling well again. But, I know it will pass and I will be done so when I feel better it will stay that way. I have been so cold since my surgery and I know we all complain about it but I can't stand it anymore. I thought I had a temperature last week and took it. No temperature since my temp was 97.0. Pretty low. My sister was over and I had her take her temperature it was normal. We were laughing about my low temp and I said no wonder I am always cold. I told a friend about this and she thought I should see a doctor because she heard somewhere that a low temp is a sign that something is wrong. So I did a search on the internet for low body temperature and a sight for Wilson Temperature Syndrome popped-up. I was surprised at how many symptoms I had. I have an appointment with a doctor that was recommended from the sight on June 27th. Hopefully she will be able to help me. I am also wondering if this is a problem for a lot of other weight loss patients. Since this can be brought on by stress, illness. A lot of us are under stress waiting and trying to get approved for surgery and then recovering from surgery. I will post when I find out more.


I had my plastic surgery on July 19th (thighs, back and sides) and had a slow recovery. I have been sick and running a fever most of the time. Last Tuesday they put me in the hospital for IV antibiotics. I was there for 24 hours and it really helped. I had an infection in my left leg. After I got home I stayed off my feet and rested and now am feeling pretty good. Today I came back to work and so far I feel great. Dr. Ellen is amazing. I love the results. She works miracles. From all of my plastic surgery I have had a total of 27 pounds removed and 8 liters of fat from lipo. I can't wait to see how everything keeps changing as the swelling goes down.


I had the last of plastic surgery on December 27, 2005.  I had a breast lift and two scare revisions.  I see my surgeon again next month for a final check-up but I think one of scares she fixed needs to be re-done.  I'm sure she can do this in her office.  I am so glad that all the surgery is over.  It was a long tuff year.  I saw Dr. S last month for a check up and he told me that my starting weight was 488 not 438 that I thought it was so I now lost a total of 268 pounds.  I'm not sure why I thought I weighed less other than I just couldn't bring myself to hear that I weighed almost 500 pounds.  I can't believe the things I can do now.  I just finished painting my entire condo.  The whole time I was painting I was just amazed.  I was up and down the step ladder and up and down off the floor.  I could do I all and it was easy.  I was tired at the end of the day but anyone would be.  It's so nice to be normal.

About Me
Waterford, MI
Surgery Date
May 13, 2003
Member Since

Friends 2
