Almost 3 weeks post-op

Aug 11, 2009

Well, it's been almost 3 weeks since my surgery.  I have not been very active on OH - I guess because I have not felt very positive about all of the issues that my body has been dealing with so far.  Some days are better than others, and I can put a smile on my face and say that I am feeling better - then other days, not so much.  Don't get me wrong - my surgery was successful, and there were no surgical complications -- and of that I am extremely grateful.  However, my day to day quality of life is definitely lower than it was pre-op.  I know it will get better as time goes on and my body adjusts, but it is disconcerting as I thought I was having this surgery to get rid of medical problems, not to gain more of them. 

Some of the issues I've had were an allergic reaction to a medication post-op -- I  had blurred vision for a week, that was scary.  Then there is my blood pressure - I have been on 3 meds to control it pre-op.  It has been a challenge for my PCP to regulate it now - it has been really high, and it has been really low - but at this point, thankfully, it seems to be leveling out.  Then there is the diarrhea.  Wow, has this been horrible.  Post-op weeks 1 and 2 I was going 10-13 times per day.  Unbelievable.  So we switched the Whey protein supplement (which caused this same reaction pre-op for me) with an Egg protein (not too tasty) -- with little improvement.  Then we stopped all dairy -- and this has helped quite a bit, even though I was not lactose intolerant prior to surgery.  However, I am still having diarrhea approx. 3 times per day.  The crappy thing is (no pun intended) according to my surgeon, that I cannot take anything to stop it - due to risk of a bowel obstruction.  I was a huge fan of Imodium pre-op and used it on a regular basis for my IBS.  Now, I guess I just have to live with this.  Pre-op the surgeon told me that I would most likely have constipation after the surgery -- but I guess I am one of those exceptions who does not.  Lucky me.  I unemployed right now - but when I get back into the workforce I don't know how I'll deal with this issue.  So, with all of the diarrhea, dehydration has also been a problem.  I have been to the hospital for outpatient IV therapy - and that helped.  I have also been extremely weak and tired -- all of the time.  Any time I stand up/walk around for a couple of minutes, I feel weak, shaky, and faint - and it feels like my heart beats harder.  Sometimes my pulse is high, but not always.  I still need help in the shower because of this, and still have not driven for fear of passing out on the road.  My glucose has been tested, and it is normal.  Apparently, my kidney function is a little low, and will be re-checked this week.  Then, there is the insomnia -- I've had a really tough time falling asleep, and staying asleep.  I have taken Lunesta, and it does not seem to help much.  There are also many nights I've woken up with what I'm pretty sure is an anxiety attack, so now I have a prescription for that, too.  The last thing I have to complain about are the headaches.  They have been really bad - every day.  I can, of course, no longer take any NSAIDS - so I'm left with good old Tylenol.  Which does not always work for me.  Some of my headaches have lasted 2 days straight --and then I have nausea to boot.  I have an Rx migraine med to take as well - but I do not like to take it regularly.  Pills, pills, pills -- waaaay too many pills.

On the positive side, I am now getting in my goal of 64 oz of fluids daily, and am taking all of my supplements.  I've regularly been getting in around 40-70 grams of protein daily, and my goal is 60 grams every day by next week.  My small meals have gone well - cream soups, refried beans, mashed tuna have all worked nicely.  Eggs felt fine going down - but were not agreeable at the other end of things - so to speak.  Luckily, I have never vomited, and my nausea usually only comes from my headaches.  Sometimes water makes me nauseous too.  Weird. 

Oh, and the weight loss -- the whole point of all of this madness, how can I forget?  I've lost 17 lbs since surgery, and 28 lbs since the pre-op diet.  I'm not sure which one to count as my "official" number.

Hopefully, the next time I post, I'll be feeling more positive.  Things can only get better.  I have to believe that.  


About Me
Rockford, IL
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2009
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